Camden Post-Telegram – May 1, 1918
Much Important Business Transacted at Real Estate Men’s Annual Meeting.
At the annual meeting of the Camden Real Estates Board at the Hotel Ridgway these officers re-elected: President, Wiliam P. Hallinger; vice president, Raymond L. Warren; treasurer, Joseph H. Forsythe; secretary, Robert D. Clow, Jr.; trustees, three years, George W. Kirkbride and Meyer Baker.
President Hallinger appointed the committees for the ensuing year as follows:
Legislative committee—Howard A. Walton, chairman; George W. Jessup, Raymond L, Warren, William B. Hamblaton, John A. Ackley.
Arbitration committee—Frank J. Burr, chairman; R. A. Rockhill, Maurice B. Rudderow, Ralph D. Baker, Elgar A. Freeman.
Membership committee – Willlam Schmidt, chairman; Charles S. Ackley, Meyer Baker, Charles G. Jessup, Clinton I. Evans.
Auditing committee– Anthony J. Oberst, chairman; Leon E. Todd, Wiliam Derham.
Ways and means committee– George W. Kirkbride, chairman; T. Yorke Smith, Eldred I. Hibbs, Henry Budney, Carl Evered.
The board passed a resolution asking City Council to pass an ordinance prohibiting large A- or V-shaped signs being placed on properties in Camden, either for rent or sale. This is one of the many actions that have been taken by the Real Estate Board with a view of better protecting the property owner’s interest. It is the feeling of the members that the extension sign, known as A- or V-shaped signs, are a detriment to properties, and also to the appearance of the city.
It is considered that properties will rent just as well by the advertising in the newspapers, and from the personal work by the office organizations as by having them defaced with signs.
Five new members were elected to membership as follows: T. Yorke Smith, Leon E. Todd, Howard C. Walton, Francis C. Ely, of Camden, and John A. Ackley, of Vineland.
Practically all of the real estate men of Camden and the suburbs who do any business are affiliated with the Camden Board, and it is hoped that within the next few months all of the active real estate men of Camden county will be members of this wide-awake organization. The membership committee, of which William Schmidt is chairman, expects 19 call in the near future on the real estate agents who have not yet become aspooiated with the board.
It was reported at this meeting by a number of the members that since the April meeting, at which time the minimum rate of commmission for selling properties up to $10,000 was increased from two per cent. to three per cent., that no objections were made by the owners, as the latter appreciate that the real estate offices are under great expense, and also appreciate the fact that they not only receive the service from one office, with whom they place exclusive agency of their property, but from every member of the Board.
The Camden Real Estate Board was started in 1916 by a few agents who saw a future for real estate men, by uniting for the purpose of standardizing the business. Edgar A. Freeman was elected president and through his hard and earnest efforts the Board grew to a membership of thirty men in 1917. Geo. W. Jessup succeeded Mr. Freeman as president, and the past year has shown such marked improvement that the agents now appreciate the fact that by co-operating better results are obtained in handling of client’s properties and the people at large are beginning to realize it, for by listing their property with one agent who is a member of the Board any member can and will sell said property.
It is the Intention of the members who will be known as “Realtors” to place on all new signs, in addition to name the words, “or by any member of Camden Real Estate Board.”
It is hoped that the property owners will back up the agents in this movement, and in listing propearties for sale to list same with only one agent or realtor, as they are then assured the services of every member of the Camden Real Estate Board.
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