Tag: Frank G. Hitchner
Centennial Mirror 1828-1928
Centennial Mirror of the City of Camden, NJ Published in the interest of a growing city, nineteen twenty-eight. THE City Commissioners of Camden extend their Greetings to all citizens of the City, State and Nation who may visualize the Camden of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, through this volume which is dedicated to the Cause of…
Real Estate Safeguard to Purchasers Board Proves Property Here
The Camden County Real Estate Board is an organization composed or Realtors operating in and around Camden County. Organized March 8, 1916, it was incorporated May 10, 1916, with eight charter members. Its growth has been rapid and continuing until today it numbers 100 active members, 3 junior members and 70 associates. In its short…
Kausel Is Given $4000 Job Over Hot Protest by Rebel in G.O.P.
Camden Courier-Post – January 3, 1928 Not Fitted for Job and 20 of You Admitted it Declares Van Meter Collingswood Man’s Insurgency Punished Vocational School Incident is Recalled as Democrats Join in Battle Joseph H. Van Meter, insurgent Republican freeholder from Collingswood, today declared that David Baird Jr., Republican leader, had admitted that Theodore Kausel…
East Camden Bank
Philadelphia Inquirer – March 28, 1920 Organizers Announce Sale of 600 Shares of Stock Prominent East Camden citizens are forming the East End Trust Company and at a meeting of the organization committee yesterday secretary Leon Todd presented a report showing that 600 shares of the 1000 shares of stock have been subscribed for. This…
14 Camden Firemen Overcome by Smoke
Philadelphia Inquirer – January 4, 1917 Twelve-Hour Fight Follows Discovery of Smoldering Fire in Wall Paper Plant Fourteen firemen were overcome by smoke, one of them being removed to Cooper Hospital, and about $20000 in damage was done at a fire at the plant of the Frank G. Hitchner Wall Paper Manufacturing Company, Fifth and…