Tag: John Schimpf
Frederick Von Nieda
Frederick Von Nieda, born in Bavaria in 1868, initially aspired to join the ministry after graduating from a seminary in 1885. However, a shift in plans due to illness led him to immigrate to America in the same year. Over the years, he engaged in various occupations, including serving as the inaugural professor of German…
East End Trust Company
The East End Trust Company was first organized on May 26, 1905. Dr. C.F. Hadley was the first president. Other founders and early directors included John Schimpf, Frederick von Nieda, and John Crawford. The East End Trust Company opened for business on July 1, 1920 in temporary quarters at 27th and Cramer Streets. Dr. C.F.…
Broadway Trust
Broadway Trust, also known as Broadway Merchants Trust 938-944 Broadway, Camden, NJ The Broadway Trust Company building was built prior to World War I. The architect was Phillip Merz who was based in Rochester NY and the building was constructed by the J. Henry Miller Co. of Baltimore MD, who also built the building which…
East Camden Bank
Philadelphia Inquirer – March 28, 1920 Organizers Announce Sale of 600 Shares of Stock Prominent East Camden citizens are forming the East End Trust Company and at a meeting of the organization committee yesterday secretary Leon Todd presented a report showing that 600 shares of the 1000 shares of stock have been subscribed for. This…