Tag: Viola Street

  • Salem Street

    Salem Street

    Salem Street, a brief one-block stretch, meanders from Ferry Avenue in the north to Viola Street in the south. The pages of history reveal that the initial residential appearance along the 1800 block of Salem Street dates back to the 1890-1891 Camden City Directory. Notably, homes are documented at addresses 1831 through 1841, with additional…

  • Mayor, City Aides to Confer Monday on Weed Removal

    Mayor, City Aides to Confer Monday on Weed Removal

    Camden Courier Post – July 22, 1950 Unsightly Grass and Weeds Mayor Brunner announced today he will call a conference Monday to coordinate city departments in the movement to remove unsightly grass and weeds in the city. Attending the conference Brunner said will be Director of Public Works Abbott, his deputy, James Swanson; J. James…

  • 3 Youths Held as Blaze Razes Grain Plant of Sitley and Son

    Camden Courier-Post – April 18, 1930 Damage in Fire at Sixth and Bulson Streets Estimated at $45,000 Four Men Risk Lives to Save Two Horses Boys Believed by Police Probers to Have Been Smoking in Building Three boys are being held and two others are sought in the investigation of the $45.000 fire which today…