This is an excerpt from South Jersey: A History 1624-1924
FRANK F. NEUTZE was born in Camden on December 22, 1894, the son of John Henry and Mary Steinbach Neutze. His father was at one time captain of the Camden Police, and later Fish and Game Warden of Camden County. He attended the public and high schools of Camden, graduating with the class of 1913. He at once entered the law office of Samuel K. Robbins, where he studied for four years, attending the night classes at Temple University Law School, receiving his degree in 1919. He passed his bar examinations in 1916 and counselor’s examinations in 1919. Since that time he has been engaged in the general practice of law, having been appointed Supreme Court Commissioner in June, 1923. In April, 1923, he was made assistant city counsel of Camden.
Mr. Neutze is solicitor for the West Jersey Mutual, the Public Safety, and the Walt Whitman Building and Loan associations. Immediately upon completing his bar examinations, Mr. Neutze enlisted as a private in the Third New Jersey Infantry, National Guard. Later, this organization was merged in the 114th United States Infantry. On August 25, 1918, he entered the Officer’s Training School at Camp Gordon, Georgia, and when he received his commission as second lieutenant, he was assigned to the 99th Division. In October, 1918, he was promoted to first lieutenant, with which rank he was discharged in December, 1918.
Mr. Neutze’s name may be found among the members of the Camden Lodge, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, and the Lions Club. He is president of the New Jersey Alumni of Temple University. Professionally, he is connected with the American, the New Jersey State, and the Camden County Bar associations. The subject which stands second in interest only to law with Mr. Neutze is astronomy. He has never ceased to keep up with the latest developments in this field of science, and follows with especial pleasure the work of Professor Doolittle, of the University of Pennsylvania.
Frank F. Neutze was married to Anna M. Schoellkopf on December 1, 1916, in the First Methodist Episcopal Church of Camden. They are the parents of a daughter, Helene Anna, who was born on March 7, 1921, and a son, Frank F., Jr., who was born November 29, 1924. Mr. Neutze is a member of the Epiphany Evangelical Lutheran Church, of Camden.
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