The Camden National Bank

Excerpt from Historical and Industrial Review of Camden, N.J. 1890.

ONE of the chief elements in the material growth and progress of a community is the banking interest, and in this department of business, Camden boasts of several vigorous corporations, one of the most important being the Camden National Bank, located at Second street and Kaighn avenue. It was incorporated as a national bank in 1885, in order to provide for the needs of the merchants of South Camden, and though so young an institution, it is a remarkably successful one and from the date of its commencement, has enjoyed a large and liberal patronage including all the leading business houses of that enterprising and growing section of the city. It is a strong and reliable institution, holding a prominent place in, and exerting an active influence upon, the financial condition of the city. The capital is $100,000, and the surplus already reaches $25,000, and the dividends are six per cent, per annum. Since the organization of the bank, a handsome, modern new banking-house has been erected, into which the business was removed in 1888, and which is a prominent and elegant feature of Kaighn avenue. There are safe deposit boxes to rent in burglar proof vaults, while an element of saving fund banking is added by receiving small deposits from working people, subject to withdrawal on two week’s notice, and allowing interest thereon.

The main business is a general banking one, including loans, deposits, anc discounts, collections being made on all chief cities of the United States through correspondents, and the volume of business has been from the start, and still is, a growing one, as is shown by the last statement, recently issued, which gives total resources amounting to more than $805,000. The officers are: President, Mr. Zophar C. Howell; vice-president, Mr. John Cooper; and cashier, Mr. J.C. Martindale. The directorate is composed of prominent gentlemen of substantial position. They are Messrs. H.B. Wilson, William B. Mulford, C. B. Coles, P. H. Fowler, James Davis, C. E. Thomas, Isaac C. Toone, H. B. Anthony, G. W. Bailey, Howard M. Cooper, G. T. Haines, Z.L. Howell, H. C. Felton, R. W. Birdsell and D.S. Risley. The bank also has an office at Second and Walnut streets, Philadelphia.