-But the Greatest of These is Charity!

Camden Courier-Post – June 3, 1933


“He let his heart rule his head!”

That is the astonishing reason given by County Relief Director Wayland Cramer for demanding the resignation of Dr. Arthur L. Stone as city relief director.

If this is the only reason Cramer has to offer-


Furthermore, State Relief Administrator John Colt should make a prompt and thorough investigation into the entire conduct of the Camden County Relief office.


“He let his heart rule his head!”

Fancy that as a “reason” for asking a man to resign from work which consists of the relief of human needs and suffering!

To this newspaper, the fact that Doctor Stone DID let his heart rule his head is THE VERY BEST QUALIFICATION HE POSSESSES FOR THAT JOB.

It was because the Courier-Post knew he was that kind of a man that Doctor Stone was asked, years ago, to be one of the three directors of the Courier-Post Relief.

Better that two undeserving be given more than their share than that one deserving family be deprived of the bare essentials of life.

Simply because we are afraid to let our hearts rule our heads!

The worst crime of relief administration throughout the land during the depression has been the constant fear of conservative die-hards that “the heart” might sway doling out of the only too scanty pittances which are given our needy and destitute.

This nation needed MORE HEART in official life.

That’s why Hoover was defeated and Roosevelt elected!


Entirely aside from the issue of mercy and charity, a thorough inquiry in due in fairness to Doctor Stone himself:

This man has been the city’s health director for about 12 years. He enjoys the esteem of our people and the respect of associates in his profession.

If Director Cramer has no other charges to bring, he should say so at once. He should. clear up any doubt as to whether something is being held back, since this whole affair has been shrouded in unwarranted mystery.

Nor should Cramer deceive himself that he or anyone else possesses the right to make, a secret out of the public business Of unemployed relief administration.

The public is entitled to know what is going on at all times—what methods are used—the salaries paid relief agents—and the kind of relief given.

That is public business and this newspaper will fight to keep the public informed concerning it.


In any event, the situation calls for an immediate probe by State relief officials. Director Colt is said to be planning a trip here. He cannot arrive too soon.

Doctor Stone, to be sure, may be glad to be relieved of the heavy burdens of his post as city relief director.


In fact, Dr. Stone is the only official we know of connected with the Relief Administration who is not on the payroll.

The mystery of his dismissal invites the question whether it took place to make way for a new political PAID JOB?

Is more politics to be played with human misery?

To dismiss a relief administrator because he “had a heart” is an insult not only to the unemployed, who need aid largely through no fault of their own, but also to the taxpayers who are contributing that aid.

Have we forgotten that “the greatest of these is charity?”


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