Tag: Arthur L. Stone
Arthur L. Stone
Dr. Arthur L. Stone held the position of City Health Director in Camden from 1923 until his passing in 1945. During his tenure, he served under various mayors, including Victor King, Winfield Scott Price, Roy R. Stewart, Frederick von Nieda, and George Brunner. Dr. Stone was a strong advocate for an immunization program that played…
David Helm Jr.
DR. DAVID D. HELM JR. was born in Camden NJ on May 31, 1895 to David and Barbara Helm. The Helm family had been in Camden as early as 1867. David Helm Sr. was a butcher, and his grandfather, Charles Blaine, was also a butcher was his uncles Harry and Walter Helm. The David Helm…
Measles Spreads Here, Health Aide Reports
Camden Courier-Post – February 8, 1938 Dr. Arthur L. Stone, city health director, yesterday revealed that 217 cases of measles have been reported to his office since January 1, compared with two cases for the same time last year. “Measles epidemics,” he said, “seem to occur periodically and I will not be surprised if we…
Stone Leads War on Social Diseases
Camden Courier-post – Feburary 4, 1938 Calls Nationwide Crusade One of Most Forward Steps Yet Taken Observance throughout the United States of “National Social Hygiene Day” was lauded by Dr. Arthur L. Stone, director of the city health bureau, as one of the most forward steps taken to bring out in to the open a…
Unemployed Union To Plan For Fourth
Camden Courier-Post – June 28, 1933 Leaders Aim to Have Demonstration Similar to That of Labor Day Plans for a Fourth of July demonstration, similar to labor demonstrations staged throughout the world each year on May 1, will be formulated tomorrow night at a mass meeting conducted by the Unemployed Union of New Jersey, according…
Stricken by Food in Camden Factory
Camden Courier-Post – June 24, 1933 60 Overcome While At Work in RCA Victor; Probe Started New York Ship Employees Sent to Hospital From Ptomaine Workers of 4 Firms Listed Among Victims Sandwiches Served by Philadelphia Caterer Believed to Be Responsible Nearly 100 Camden factory and shipyard workers were poisoned yesterday after eating food contained…
Jobless Relief Among Court House Garbage
Camden Courier-Post – June 24, 1933 Jobless Applicants Compelled To Wait Beside Garbage Cans In Court House Basement Dr. Stone Calls for Removal of Refuse After Complaint Stench Menaces Health of Tattered Relief Seekers; Custodian Denies Anything Wrong Charges that unsanitary conditions exist in the basement of the old court house building where hundreds of…
Block-Aid Funds, Used for Homeless
Camden Courier-Post – June 22, 1933 Dr. Stone Reveals $32,312 Has Been Spent to Help Evicted Families Funds raised in Camden’s recent Block-Aid campaign are being used exclusively by Dr. A. L. Stone, city emergency relief director, to help in the housing of evicted families. Dr. Stone revealed yesterday the Block-Aid fund turned over to…
Hatch Estate Drives Jobless From Gardens
Camden Courier-Post – June 20, 1933 Gives Them 24 Hours to Get Out; City Offers Aid to Victims Sixteen unemployed gardeners have been given 24 hours’ notice by the city to vacate their plots on the Hatch estate, planted under supervision of the Camden City Emergency Relief Administration, it was revealed last night. Some of…
Cramer Upheld in Keeping From Public Relief Payroll and Job Holders
Camden Courier-Post – June 14, 1933 STATE DIRECTOR SAYS SECRECY AIDS ‘LITTLE FELLOWS’ Denial Made That Politics Has Part in Naming of Emergency List REMOVALS DEMANDED Wayland P. Cramer, Camden county relief director yesterday was victorious in his policy of secrecy in affairs of his relief administration when he won authority from John Colt, state…
25 Camden Boys to Be Guests of Health Farm at Millington
Camden Courier-Post – June 12, 1933 Dr. Stone Says Arrangements Have Been Completed to Send Delegation From July 1 to 15 Camden city’s health camp will not open this summer, but 25 boys will have an outing for two weeks as guests at the Bonnie Brae Farm for Boys at Millington, above Somerville. Dr. A.…
Father Is In Jailed Support
Camden Courier-Post – June 7, 1933 Ten dollars a year is a lot too little for support of a wife and twin sons, Police Judge Pancoast decided when he ordered John Hunkapillar, 24, to pay $5 a week, and sent him to jail when he could not provide a $300 bond to insure the payments.…
Where Is the ‘Charity’ In Relief Methods
Camden Courier-Post – June 6, 1933 THE MAIL BAG Who Founded Church of England – Reforestation and Economic Recovery But the Greatest of These is Charity To the Editor: Sir-Beautiful words, well spoken. Especially when Charity means, in a general sense, love, benevolence, goodwill, that disposition of heart which inclines men to think favorably of…
Suit to End Relief Secrecy Planned by Civic Congress
Camden Courier-Post – June 6, 1933 Irregularities Are Charged North Camden Association Told Affidavits Are Being Taken; Cramer and Howard Accused Of Evasion; Protest Rally Called Court action to force the Camden County Emergency Relief Administration to reveal its books for public inspection is planned by the Congress of Civic Associations of South Jersey. This…