City Asked to Provide Increment

A $1,000 increment for all non-uniformed employes over a three-year period is part of a package proposal to be presented to Mayor Alfred R. Pierce Monday.

Camden Courier-Post – January 8, 1966

A $1,000 increment for all non-uniformed employes over a three-year period is part of a package proposal to be presented to Mayor Alfred R. Pierce Monday.

Joseph Yacovelli, president of Council 10, the employes’ civil service organization [including the City’s Electrical Bureau—ed.]; and Charles DiBartolomeo, chairman of the negotiating committee, will head the group of employes scheduled to talk with the mayor.

The organization will ask that Pierce include its proposals in his 1966 budget message to be presented next Monday. The same proposals also have been sent to City Council.

Horn Comments

City Council President John Horn, hearing of the hproposal for the first time today, when asked to comment on the budget addition by the Courier-Post said:

“All consideration will be given to all city employes after I have made a survey of the budget and have ascertained the effect of that budget upon the taxpayers of the city.”

Horn said the survey should be completed “a few days” after council receives it.

“City Council will, in all probability, meet with the officers of Council 10 for a full explanation by that committee,” Horn said.

Mayor Pierce today declined to comment on the proposal.

Ask $3,000 Minimum

In addition to the increment the employes are asking for a minimum starting salary of $3,000. They also want overtime pay for per diem employes to be at time and one-half. Other salary employes should receive their hourly rate as overtime compensation, according to the proposal.

DiBartolomeo noted at present overtime is set at $2.50 per hour, which in many instances is less than the employe regularly makes per hour.

Council 10 is also renewing its request for bi-weekly pay periods. Currently, city employes are paid on the 15th and 30 of each month.

Urge Fair Treatment

As part of the proposal the organization noted that “since the poverty program pays a minimum of $1.25 per hour it is only fair that city employes receive the same.”

DiBarolomeo said there are 30-40 city employes who receive less than $1.25 per hour. The majority are park attendants and laborers, he said.

According to the ch<illegible> many city employes m<illegible> than $3,000 per year.

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