Camden Courier-Post – February 2, 1933
Services of A. Benjamin Sparks as city tax sales clerk terminated yesterday as city officials furthered their economy program. Sparks, a former city tax receiver, re-entered the municipal service August 1, 1929, and has been in charge of tax sales.
Commissioner Harold W. Bennett, director of revenue and finance, expressing regret that economy compelled him to dispense with Sparks’ services, said that Louis Hoffman, assistant to Sparks, will be in charge of the tax sales department. Bennett commended Sparks as an able, conscientious and trustworthy employee.
Sparks served as city tax receiver under councilmanic form of government. After retirement from his municipal post, he became a cashier at at old Central Trust Company and later held a responsible position with the Broadway Merchants Trust Company.
Sparks lives at 408 Chambers Avenue.
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