Cross Cooper’s Creek

Camden Daily Courier – May 19, 1899

Sad and Sudden Death of Mrs. Beulah Abbott Last Evening

This community will be shocked to know of the death of Mrs. Beulah Abbott, wife of Benjamin Abbott, and mother of Town Clerk William S. Abbott and Chief Robert Abbott. It occurred yesterday afternoon at four o’clock. She was sick but a few hours. Shortly before nine o’clock, apparently as well as ever in her life, she went out in the back of the house to sweep some snow away. She had scarcely started the work when she came into the house and complained of feeling dizzy. Her daughter Flora, supposing her to be only in a faint, was not immediately alarmed until the mother took on a strange expression. Assistance was at once called in, and the doctor sent for, as were also the absent members of the family. It was soon learned that she had received a stroke. In a short time she became unconscious and remained in that state until she died, recognizing none of the family that were at her bedside. She sank rapidly during the afternoon and at four o’clock died without a struggle. In the score of more of years she has lived here, Mrs. Abbott has been better known in the town by her peculiar devotedness to her home. Her whole life and ambition was devoted to the comfort and welfare of her family left to mourn her loss. Her motherly sacrifices and devotion will forever be cherished by them. In every sense of the words, Mrs. Abbott was both a mother and and wife. That she will be missed from home and community does not fully express the general feeling. Three daughters, Flora, Emma, and Easie, and three sons, William, Robert and James, with the husband, are left, to whom the heart of the people here go out in sympathy. The funeral will take place on Friday at 2 o’clock from her late residence, 2602 Federal street.