Fireman Overcome in Blazing Cellar

Camden Daily Courier – February 7, 1912

Rendered Unconscious By Smoke Joseph Logue is Bravely Rescued

Policeman and Laddie As Heroes

Bravery on the part of Policeman Harry Bakleyy and Fireman Harry Anderson perhaps saved the life of Fireman Joseph Logue, of the No 4 house when he was overcome with smoke in the cellar at the home of John Holloway, 218 Grant street last night. Logue after being pulled from out of the cellar was revived and was able to resume his duties.

The alarm came in about 7.45 last night and the companies from the Fourth and Vine streets house and Fifth and Arch streets responded. On arriving at the house smoke was pouring from the cellar windows in volumes. Handicapped by the windows being bolted the firemen fought the fire from the inside of the house. As they opened the cellar door the smoke almost overpowered them.

Unable to get at the blaze Logue descended the steps with an extinguisher and attempted to fight the fire. After waiting for several minutes his companions become alarmed and quickly made thelr way down the steps to find Logue. While groping in the blinding and choking smoke, Bakley tripped over what he thought was an object on the floor. Reaching down he discovered it was the unconscious form of the fireman. Calling to Anderson, they carried the prostrated man up the steps.

His clothing was unbuttoned Logue was laid on a blanket in rear yard of the house, while his companions worked earnestly to get the smoke from his lungs. Alfter several minutes work he recovered consciousness and refused to be taken to the hospital.

The fire although of slight nature caused much excitement in the neighborhood and did damage of only a few dollars. The fire is thought to have been started by a child going into the cellar with a lighted candle and tripping, fell, the lighted candle igniting scattered paper lying on the floor.


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