Tag: Grant Street
John McKay
John McKay was born on October 22, 1891, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Malcolm and Mary McKay. Along with his brothers Malcolm, Thomas, and Stanley, John grew up at 362 East Indiana Avenue in Philadelphia, as recorded in the 1900 Census. By 1910, the family had relocated to 607 Powell Street in Gloucester City, New Jersey.…
Grant Street
Grant Street was named after Ulysses S. Grant, the Civil War hero and 18th President of the United States.
A Child’s Life on Grant Street: Memories of Camden
It all begins in a little row house (they call them townhouses now) on Grant Street in Camden NJ. I remember my mother telling me once that she and my father paid $3,000 for that house somewhere around 1952, when they married. I slept in the same bed with my older sister Chris, who was…
Joseph A. Alcorn
Joseph A. Alcorn was born in February 1919 in Camden, New Jersey to Mary and William Alcorn. He was the youngest of eight children: James G., William Joseph, Rose, Marie Frances, Thomas J., Genevieve, Rita, and then Joseph. By 1918, the family settled at 906 North 9th Street in North Camden (near the Highland Woolen…
Blaze Damages 6 Homes
Camden Courier-Post – July 31, 1991 Camden Fire Called Suspicious By MAURICE TAMMAN CAMDEN — At least 12 people were forced from their homes after a three-alarm fire damaged six row houses in the 700 block of Grant Street Tuesday. Battalion No. 1 Fire Chief Joseph Gfrorer said the fire began in a vacant row-home…
13 Given Oath at City Hall as New Firemen
Camden Courier-Post – December 30, 1955 Thirteen new firemen were sworn in today by Safety Director E. George Aaron in ceremonies at City Hall. Beginning Sunday they will start a 90-day probatinoary period, during which they will receive instruction at the fire training school, 9th and Morgan sts. All are war veterans and all are…
Sentenced in Sink Theft
Camden Courier-Post – February 12, 1938 Arrested at Second and Main streets with a sink in their possession, two youths were given suspended six-month sentences yesterday by Police Judge Mariano. The youths, Owen Norris, 19, of 422 Cedar Street, and Richard St. John, 19, of 843 Grant Street, told Detectives William Casler and Harry Tyler…
4 Hurt as Auto Strikes Pole Strewing Live Wires on Road
Camden Courier-Post – Feburary 4, 1938 Four persons in a small coupe were injured last night when the machine crashed into a pole at Seventeenth Street and Admiral Wilson Boulevard during a dense fog. The car broke off a telephone pole at the base, strewing live wires on the highway. Traffic was detoured until the…
Runaway Accident Fatal to Milkman
Camden Courier-Post – February 3, 1938 Fatally injured in a runaway accident yesterday, Samuel Saunders, 37, of 523 Grant Street, died at 5.15 p. m. in Cooper Hospital of a fractured skull and concussion of the brain. Saunders was a milkman and was driving his team on Eighth Street when the horse became frightened, bolted…
5 Bitten by Mad Dog in North Camden Treated for Rabies
Camden Courier-Post – February 17, 1936 State Test Shows Animal Infected, Dr. Helm Informed Drive to Capture All Strays Pushed by Police Chief Colsey Licenses Necessary The dog which ran amok and bit five persons in North Camden Saturday night was suffering from rabies. That was announced yesterday by Dr. David B. Helm, Jr., city…
43 Camden Recruits Thrive In Chill Conservation Camp
Camden Courier-Post – August 16, 1933 Group Gaining Weight in Vermont Mountains as They Clear Timber to Make Way for Jam, And Sleep Under Heavy Blankets Forty-three Camden city and county men with Company 2204, Citizens’ Conservation Corps, are now located at Knapp Andrew Camp, Montpelier, Vt., word received here yesterday disclosed. E. C. Rochester,…
Babies Born in April Get B&L Stock Shares
Camden Courier-Post – June 10, 1933 The first payment on one share of stock in the Kearsarge Building and Loan Association has been offered to parents of the following children born in the Fourteenth ward during the month of April:
Wife Tied in Chair, Periled With Knife
Camden Courier-Post – February 7, 1933 Charges Husband Trapped on Pretense of Returning Child Accused by his wife of binding her to a chair and threatening her life with a knife and with gas, Charles Flippen, 26, of 609 Grant Street, was held without bail for the grand jury by Police Judge Garfield Pancoast yesterday.…
Guns Await Sniper in Suburban Towns
Camden Courier-Post – February 4, 1928 Mystery Marks 16th Effort as Victim Gives Fake Address With orders to “shoot on sight” issued to suburban police in their search for South Jersey’s “phantom sniper,” that mysterious individual today had a “phantom victim,” At the Haddon Heights police station is a piece of glass with the notation…
Fireman Overcome in Blazing Cellar
Camden Daily Courier – February 7, 1912 Rendered Unconscious By Smoke Joseph Logue is Bravely Rescued Policeman and Laddie As Heroes Bravery on the part of Policeman Harry Bakleyy and Fireman Harry Anderson perhaps saved the life of Fireman Joseph Logue, of the No 4 house when he was overcome with smoke in the cellar…