Camden Courier-Post – June 23, 1933
Lesslie Orr, ‘Polack Joe’ Deven, Jackie Hindle and Walter Kennedy Freed
Public Not Informed
Four well-known Camden county men who had been in the state penitentiary at Trenton for at least one year are now at liberty on parole. It was revealed at Trenton yesterday that the State Board of Pardons had granted paroles last week to Leslie W. Orr, Haddonfield real estate broker; Joseph “Polack Joe” Deven, South Camden sportsman, Jackie Hindle, former Camden cop, and Walter Kennedy, formerly a boxer and cafe owner.
The pardons court followed its custom of making no public announcement of the paroles, but admitted upon questioning yesterday that the four local men had been liberated.
Orr, who resided at 112 Avondale avenue, Haddonfield, and had a real estate office in Collingswood, was sentenced May 24, 1932, to two years after he pleaded non vult to 20 allegations that he embezzled a total of $12,000. He had surrendered when a warrant was issued for him on behalf of the widowed mother of seven children. She had charged him with embezzling $1500. Sentence was imposed after Orr had made an abortive effort to make full restitution.
It was Deven’s second parole. He served two years of a five-year “stretch” for manslaughter in the fatal shooting of Joseph Cimini in the Sixth Ward Republican Club, and was paroled in 1930. Less than five months later, he and a companion drove into the yard of an alleged disorderly house at Atco as state troopers were raiding it. Deven, who was driving, attempted to drive away, but troopers stopped the machine. A. 38 caliber pistol was found on Deven. He was subsequently sentenced on March 30, 1931, to two and one-half years for carrying the weapon. At that time, it was also believed he would have to serve the remaining three years of his first sentence for violating his parole.
Kennedy was sentenced June 8, 1932, to one year for attempting to rob a bus driver at Sixth and State Streets and also to six months more for carrying a gun.
Hindle and George Schaeffer were each given two and one-half years for breaking into the soft-drink establishment of William Tansky at 1903 South Sixth Street, where a wrist watch was stolen. Sentence was imposed February 2, 1932.
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