Gloucester Group to Give Ball Here

Camden Courier-Post – February 12, 1938

Camden Officials to Attend Barbers’ and Beauticians’ Fete Monday

More than 700 persons, including Camden city and county officials, will attend the first annual ball of the Beauticians and Barbers Association to be given Monday night at the Moose ballroom, 808 Market street, Camden.

The group, a Gloucester City organization headed by Peter A. Sessa, president of the Gloucester Master Barbers, and Miss Florence Winters, president of the Beauticians, voted to hold the event in Camden because ample quarters are not available in Gloucester due to condemnation of the old city hall.

Guests at the ball will include City Commissioners Mary W. Kobus, Frank J. Hartmann, Jr., Harold W. Bennett, Frederick von Nieda and Mayor George Brunner. Other guests will be Postmaster Emma E. Hyland, Prosecutor Samuel P. Orlando, Judges Joseph Varbalow and Gene Mariano, Mary Soistmann, Democratic state committeewoman, and Frank B. Hanna and Mrs. Florence Baker, members o£ the Republican State Committee; City Solicitor Firmin Michel; Mayor John F. Gorman, of Gloucester; A. L. Kuhn, of Trenton, and Charles E. Paglucia, of Plainfield, members of the State Board of Barber Examiners; Lewis Waldman, of Trenton, president of the State Master Barbers’ Association, and Vincent Ferrante, president of the Camden Master Barbers’ Association.

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