Camden Evening Courier – January 18, 1928
Investigation in the slaying of Joseph Cimini in the Sixth Ward Republican Club Saturday, is “far from completed,” Assistant Prosecutor Joseph Varbalow announced today.
Although the Camden County grand jury went into session this afternoon, he added, the case will not be presented to that body today.
“We wish to present a complete case to the grand jury,” Varbalow said. “Obviously, we are unable to do that at the present time. There are many ramifications. All we have to present is the declaration of Joseph Deven that he killed Cimini and he did so in self-defense. We are investigating other ramifications and are looking for John Rosalie, husband of the young woman who came to us yesterday and told us of a quarrel between her husband and Charles Hunt, one of the witnesses to the shooting.”
Statements made to Prosecutor Ethan P. Wescott by witnesses have not yet been transcribed by the court stenographer, it was also stated. Joseph “Mose” Flannery held as a material witness and as an accessory before the crime, has made no statement.
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