Camden Courier-Post – June 7, 1933
Both the Fairview and Mt. Ephraim American Legion Auxiliaries have scheduled events for this week. This evening the Fairview group will have its Installation of officers, and tomorrow evening the last of a series of monthly card parties will be held by the Mt. Ephraim women.
Mr. C. Richard Allen, first vice president of the State Department of the Legion Auxiliary, will be guest of honor at the Fairview meeting to be held in the post home, Mt. Ephraim and Collings roads. Mrs. B. S. Hartmann, president, will preside and the following new officers will be installed: Mrs. E. R. Alden, president; Mrs. U. H. Bonney, first vice president; Mrs. M. Wolff, secretary ; Mrs. A. Cassella, treasurer; Mrs. F. DuCoin, historian; Mrs. G. Houghton, chaplain, and Mrs. W. Nevins, sergeant-at-arms.
Mrs. Frank Mathers, county president, will conduct the installation.
The card party of the Mt. Ephraim branch will be held in the post home on Kings Highway, west of Black Horse pike. In addition to prizes for the evening playing an award will be made for the highest score of the series.
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