Mrs. Abbott Dies in Her Husband’s Arms

Camden Post-Telegram – December 12, 1910

Wife of East Side Policeman Long Suffered With Tuberculosis; Was a Daughter of Ludwig Schuck

Mrs. Margaret Abbott, wife of Policeman Robert T. Abbott, died this morning at 6 o’clock after several years illness with consumption, at her home, No. 49 North Twenty-sixth street. Death came rather unexpectedly, although her condition has been grave for several days.

The policeman was down stairs preparing the morning meal, when a sudden and hard rap upon the floor summoned him to his wife’s room. He found her in the death struggle and she passed away in his arms. Policeman Abbott had been most devoted to his wife during her long siege of illness.

Mrs. Abbott prior to her marriage was Miss Margaret Schuck, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Ludwig Schuck, well known in this city. She is a sister of Charles H. Schuck, the well-known newspaper man. Details of the funeral will be given later.