Over the River

Philadelphia Inquirer – March 16, 1878

Camden City Council – The annual meeting of Camden City Council was held last evening for the purpose of organizing for the years 1878-9.

The votes for city and ward officers were read. The result was the same as the figures published yesterday indicated.

The members-elect were then qualified and took their seats as follows: First Ward, William Abels; Second, J.W. Morgan; Third, A. B. Cameron; Fourth, Crawford Miller; Fifth, Mr. Knight; Sixth, John Dialogue; Seventh, Elwood Kamble; Eighth, Mr. Donges.

John T. Bottomly was unanimously elected president for the ensuing year.

F.F. Michellon and Frederick W. Taw were nominated for clerk. Mr. Michellon was elected.

Charles H. Helmbold was elected messenger of Councils.

Mr. Nicholls presented a protest from William A. Turner against the admission of John Dialogue, from the Sixth Ward, to a seat in Council, claiming that he, Turner, was legally elected. Referred to a committed of five to investigate and report.

James E. Hayes was elected city solicitor and John H. Shultz for surveyor. John M. Gray, Sr., was chosen as janitor of the City Hall.

R.S. Bender and W. W. Mines were elected citizen commissioners of the Fire Department. Wilbur F. Rose and H. M. Sharp were elected citizen members of the Sinking Fund Committee.

The hour for holding the regular meeting of the Council was fixed at four o’clock in the afternoon.

On motion, Council agreed to meet on Monday afternoon next at two o’clock.

Joseph A. Porter was then called and took the oath of office faithfully to discharge the duties of the treasurer of the city. Adjourned.