Over the River

Philadelphia Inquirer – June 12, 1882

Found Dead

Yesterday morning Mrs. Michael Delaney, residing at No 315 Mechanic street, Camden, was found dead in an out-house. There were bruises on her face, which indicate that she might have been beaten. In consequence, her husband, Michael, was taken into custody and committed to the city jail on suspicion of causing her death, to await decision of the coroner’s investigation, which will take place this morning. Both are said to have been heavy drinkers of strong liquor and some are under the impression that she died from its effects. A post-mortem examination will be held.

Policing the Camden Cemeteries.

In consequence of the numerous depredations committed in the Camden and Evergreen Cemeteries recently, in pulling flowers, desecrating graves and rowdy conduct, the officials of these cemeteries yesterday placed a number of policemen at each, and had the gates kept closed. No one was allowed to enter except for legitimate purposes in attending funerals and to take care of the graves.


At three o’clock yesterday afternoon an open-air meeting of temperance workers was held in the grove, at Diamond Cottage, Camden, which was well attended, and several speakers addressed the audience. The usual Sunday morning breakfast was given at the Reformed Men’s Home, Second and Kaighn’s avenue, and an address was delivered by T.C. Newman in the afternoon.

Children’s Day.

Yesterday was children’s day in the Camden M. E. Churches, and a large attendance was had in each. The Broadway Church was beautifully decorated, and the ceremonies were interesting. In the Third Street M. E. Church similar ceremonies were held, and the church building was handsomely fitted up for the occasion.

Special Court

Judges Reed and Horner held a term of the Camden Special Sessions on Saturday. A decision was rendered by Judge Reed in the case of James Nale vs. the executors of John Nale, deceased. The defendant in the suit claimed fees for traveling expenses, and under an act of the Legislature recently passed the decision was in favor of the executor.

Special Meeting.

A special meeting has been called by Rev. Dr. Broadhead, moderator of the Presbytery of West Jersey, to be held in the Second Presbyterian Church, Camden, on the 10th inst., to take action in reference to dissolving the pastoral relations of Rev. L. A. Upham, of the Presbyterian Church in Merchantville, who will remove elsewhere.

Suing for Support.

On Saturday a further hearing in the case of Samuel Subers, charged by his wife with desertion, was commenced before Justice Ford W. Davis, of Camden. Several witnesses were examined, but without reaching a decision the case was adjourned until the morning.

Withholding Pension Money.

United States Commissioner Morgan, of Camden, on Saturday, gave a hearing to George Starr, on a charge of withholding pension money. He was held in $3000 to answer. He had been indicted by the U. S. District Court in January for the same offense.

Petty Larceny.

On Saturday Albert Hart was held by Justice Cassady to answer a charge of stealing a lamp from Joseph Franklin.