Camden Courier Post, April 12, 1930
Suit to break the lease held on the Pekin Cafe, 818 Broadway by James Richardson, proprietor, has been filed by Mrs. Emma J. Lickfield, owner of the property.
That action was revealed after Judge Avis in Federal court here ordered the cafe padlocked. Judge Avis granted Richardson three weeks notice before a consent padlock becomes effective.
Mrs Lickfield, who lives at 549 Washington Street, was named co-defendant with Richardson in the padlock proceedings. According to her attorney, Judge Frank F Neutze, Mrs. Lickfield did not know there was liquor on the premises but did not fight the padlock proceedings. It was revealed that U.S. authorities were wiling to permit her to reopen the building to other uses after the Pekin Cafe has been removed.
George Aaron, Richardson’s attorney, asked for a delay in the case on the grounds that his client was in jail and could not make a suitable defense. Richardson was sentenced to 20 days in jail and a payment of a $300 fine for possession of liquor and maintenance of a nuisance on March 28.
Judge Avis then offered to sign an order bringing Richardson from the jail to testify but Aaron demurred, declaring his client would have to be out of jail several days before he could prepare a defense. He then offered to consent to a padlock if Richardson were allowed a month in which to leave the premises instead of the customary two weeks.
This was refused but Judge Avis allowed Richardson an extra week since he will not be out of jail for another week. Horace C. Jeffers, assistant United States District attorney, represented the government.
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