Camden Courier-Post – June 6, 1932
Charley Aceto Puts Up Silver Cup as Eighth Prize
Sales of Several Cars Swell Ballot Totals
Who are the contestants in the Courier-Post Retail Merchants’ Popularity Election? Who are you to vote for?
Readers of the Courier-Post newspapers who have asked themselves these questions may see the contestants in person tonight. They will be introduced from the stage of the Stanley Theatre at the beginning of the second show.
In this way you satisfy your own curiosity as to whom you feel is most deserving of the ballots you are receiving from co-operating merchants for every dollar you spend.
The weekend brings forth more good news for the candidates, who are seeking the title of “Miss South Jersey,” and a two weeks, all expense paid, trip to Bermuda. There is a similar shorter trip for the second prize, a third water-way trip to Boston and Norfolk and cash prizes
Passes 100,000 Mark
Rolling up a heavy vote up to Friday night, Mary Ellen Williams, of Camden, who has been leading the contest for several days, leaped over the 100,000 mark, She is out in front by 23,800 majority over Dorothy Wonderlin, also of Camden, who has 78,700 votes. Mary Zeller, of Camden, who was in second place dropped back to fourth, while Edith Broadwater, of Magnolia, remains in third place. Kae Lotsey, of Merchantville, is in fifth place, and Anita Croce, of Camden, follows her.
When the Saturday ballots are counted today the entire complexion of the standing may be changed. Who will be on top tomorrow?
The race has also devolved into one of city versus suburban contestants. At various times suburban candidates have led, and again city candidates were in top position. Wilburta Dundrea, of Woodlynne, has been in the lead, and Mary Ellen Williams and Dorothy Wonderlin, Camden candidates, are being hard pressed by Kae Lotsey, of Merchantville, and Edith Broadwater, of Magnolia, to retain their standing.
There have been great jumps in the figures of several contestants. Just think what the votes from one automobile sale means to a contestant!
The Popularity Contest editor has been informed that several automobiles have been purchased as a direct result of this contest.
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