Stage and Radio Send Stars To Aid Camden Stores

Camden Courier-Post – June 17, 1933

Jubilee Noted Entertainers Are Given Welcome by Mayor as Event Closes

Co-Operation Days

The “Co-operation Days” jubilee of the combined merchants of Camden ended Saturday with a visit to this city by stage and radio stars as guests of Sears, Roebuck and Company and the city.

The group of celebrities included Welcome Lewis, Nancy Garner, and her daughter, Louise Zenike; Donald Novis and Conrad Thibault. Nancy Garner is a first cousin of Vice President Garner, one of his official hostesses and is now beginning a nationwide tour in interest of the “new deal” policy.

The group was met at Broad Street station where they arrived in a special car with Martin A. Gosh, of the Sears publicity department, as host. They were escorted to Camden City Hall and welcomed by Mayor Roy R. Stewart.

The merchants’ committee presented a large flag to the city,which was received by Mayor Stewart. The visiting stars were then guests at a luncheon in the Walt Whitman Hotel. In an address at the luncheon, Mayor Stewart lauded Camden as the “Centre of the Universe” and praised the Courier-Post Newspapers for the part they have played in trying to restore normal prosperity. He thanked all interests for their contribution toward the success of the “Co-operation Days” sales events arranged by the city’s stores. He gave special praise to Sears, Roebuck and Company for its co-operation with the city and its merchants.

Response to Mayor Stewart’s address was made by Howard Thurston, district manager of the Sears stores; Charles Gates, manager of the local store, and Gosh, all or whom assured co-operation of the store in any civic enterprise.

The dinner guests, included the radio stars and Mayor Stewart, D. Minard Shaw, district advertising manager of Sears; Thurston Gates, A. Gosh, R. J. Mitchell, assistant to the district manager; Mary A. Dickinson, Mrs. M. Loether, all of the Sears, Roebuck official family; Harry A. Moran, chairman Merchants Committee: William Wallace, Ida Laurlck, E. Howard Broome, secretary to the mayor; Samuel Auerbach, William Rothman, Simon Abramson, Joseph V. Haas, S. Lester, M. Futernick, Charles F. Knapp, manager Walt Whitman Hotel and Walter L. Tushingham, Courier-Post Newspapers.

Following the dinner, the radio stars and guests were whisked with motorcycle escorts on an inspection tour of Central Airport, and then to the Sears store where a vast throng was on hand to see the noted artists. All the stars made brief talks over the air and then made a tour of the store.


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