Tag: Roy R. Stewart
Arthur L. Stone
Dr. Arthur L. Stone held the position of City Health Director in Camden from 1923 until his passing in 1945. During his tenure, he served under various mayors, including Victor King, Winfield Scott Price, Roy R. Stewart, Frederick von Nieda, and George Brunner. Dr. Stone was a strong advocate for an immunization program that played…
Roy R. Stewart
Roy R. Stewart was born in Quakake, PA, a small mining town, in 1887. During his youth, he worked as a breaker boy in the mines. After completing business college, he relocated to Camden in 1909 and secured employment at Hurley’s Department Store located at Broadway and Spruce Street. In 1912, he established his own…
Samuel M. Shay
Samuel M. Shay was a prominent figure in Camden County during the early 20th century. Born around 1885 in New Jersey, he was appointed as Judge of the Common Pleas Court in Camden County by Governor Edwards in 1922. He was reappointed for a second term in 1927. Aside from his work as a judge,…
Charles B. Helm
Doctor Charles Blaine Helm was born in Camden in 1884. He was a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine in 1906. After establishing a veterinary practice in Camden at 900 South 5th Street where he also lived for many years, Dr. Helm involved himself in a variety of pursuits. Active politically…
Arthur Colsey
Arthur Colsey, born in Kidderminster, England, in December 1872, embarked on a remarkable journey of public service and professional achievements. After joining his older brothers, John and Thomas, in America, he actively participated in the family’s thriving department store business at 9th and Market Street in Camden. In 1894, Arthur married Lillian Thompson, and their…
Borstein Electric Company
The Borstein Electric Company was operated in Camden, NJ by Isadore and Meyer Borstein. The Borstein brothers were the sons of Joseph and Celia Borstein. The Borsteins had come to America from Russia in 1889, living in Kentucky for several years in the 1890s and in Louisiana early in the century, before coming to Camden…
Edward J. Borden
EDWARD J. BORDEN SR. was born in Boston, Massachusetts on January 12, 1888 to John and Beatrice Borden, both of whom were born in Canada. The elder Borden was a boilermaker by trade. The family moved to Illinois shortly after Edward Borden’s birth, residing there as early as 1890 and as late as July of…
Life Hereabouts by Charlie Humes
Camden Courier-Post – March 19, 1949 Down Memory Lane with that Old Gang of Yours… in a few of the years when Our Town was as good a sport town as any in the land… from the time that Taylor and Gunnis promoted fights through the years to Roxie Allen… Mickey Blair… Eddie Chaney… Shamus…
Vincent Gallaher to Be Named County Soliciter by Freeholders to Replace Keown Tonight
Camden Courier-Post – February 9, 1938 By Dan McConnell Vincent J. Gallaher, of Collingswood, a Camden attorney and chairman of the Camden County Democratic Committee, will be elected county solicitor at tonight’s regular meeting of the coalition-controlled Camden County Board of Freeholders. This was learned through two unimpeachable sources yesterday. Gallaher informed close friends he…
Orlando Assumes Charge of Vice War
Camden Evening Courier – September 17, 1934 Prosecutor Samuel P. Orlando today dropped all other duties and took personal charge of the drive to rid Camden city and county of vice. Orlando announced he would concentrate his activities in the drive against crime and the solution of the murder of Detective William T. Feitz Jr.,…
Tenth Arrest Made Here in Numbers Quiz
Camden Evening Courier – September 13, 1934 1 ADMITS GUILT AND POLICE SAY LINKS OTHERS Others Must Face Trial; More Arraigned and Bonds Fixed By Court Campaign Against Writers Pushed With Feitz Probe ALLEGED ‘BARON’ IS HELD IN BAIL Mayor Pledges Aid of Camden Cops to State on Illicit Liquor Arrests in the numbers racket…
City Won’t Rule on Sunday Beer Sales Unless People Demand
Camden Courier-Post – June 30, 1933 Reesman to Decide If Commissioners Offer Resolution Beverage Dispensers Will Discuss Question at Next Meeting 19 Licenses Issued “The Camden City Commission will take no action on the Sunday beer sale question unless the people express a strong desire for Sunday beer.” This is the declaration made yesterday by…
‘Vigilantes’ To Curb Camden Vandals Suggested to City
Camden Courier-Post – June 29, 1933 North Camden Group Would Have Citizens’ Committee and Junior Patrol Up to Mayor Stewart Formation of a “Citizens Committee” to curb vandalism and the development of a “Juvenile Patrol” to encourage young boys to co-operate with police, were suggested last night at a conference in the office of Police…
Fire Station Closes Soon
Camden Courier-Post – June 29, 1933 Mayor Denies Safety Menace Stewart Declares Underwriters Recommended Change PROTEST IS MADE BY CIVIC HEAD Closing of the fire station housing Engine Company No. 4 at Fourth and Vine streets is now under way and will be completed within a few days. This was announced yesterday by Mayor Roy…
Sunday Beer Here Is Up to Reesman As Four Rulers Split
Camden Courier-Post – June 29, 1933 Commissioner Says, However, He Awaits Public Sentiment Moore Signs Act, New Fees Fixed Stewart and Bennett Against, Hanna and Rhone For With four members of the city commission deadlocked on the is sue, Commissioner Clay W. Reesman last night appeared to hold in his hands the final decision as…