Stone Leads War on Social Diseases

Camden Courier-post – Feburary 4, 1938

Calls Nationwide Crusade One of Most Forward Steps Yet Taken

Observance throughout the United States of “National Social Hygiene Day” was lauded by Dr. Arthur L. Stone, director of the city health bureau, as one of the most forward steps taken to bring out in to the open a nationwide crusade against social diseases.

The results of the crusade inaugurated jointly by the U. S. Public Health Service, the, American Social Hygiene Association and the New Jersey. State Health Department has already shown productive results in combating these diseases, Dr. Stone said yesterday.

“The city health bureau is cooperating with local hospitals and all physicians in this campaign,” Dr. Stone said. A registered nurse has been assigned to our department by the state health department. This young woman is doing wonderful work in tracing sources of infection and getting these afflicted people to take treatment.”

In one local hospital more than 300 persons were treated last week, and in the past few weeks the number has increased at each clinic, Dr. Stone reported.

“Persons who know they are infected, and those who may suspect they may have contracted a disease, are not compelled to pay for examination or treatment,” Dr. Stone said. “Both local hospitals are equipped to take care of those requiring treatment.

“Neither should any person pay a physician an exorbitant fee for such treatment. All social disease, if detected in time, can be cured by prompt and regular treatment.”


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