Tape Worm Removed Alive, Head and All

Camden Courier-Post – September 27th, 1879

Tape Worm Removed Alive, Head and All with two doses of Mrs. Dr. Fearn’s Herb Medicine.

This is to certify that I was troubled over three years with a tap worm, and was recommended to Mrs. Fearn for a cure; she gave me two doses of Herb Medicine, two hours after I passed the whole worm alive, measuring twenty-three feet in length. The medicine produced no pain or any other unpleasant effects. Any person troubled in a similar manner can see the worm at Mrs. Fearn’s, No. 433 Market Street, Camden, N.J., and can be referred to my aunt, Mrs. Moore, No. 214 North Fifth Street, near Cooper street, Camden, N.J., where I was staying at the time.

Mrs. James Ayars, Salem NJ

Mrs. A. A. Fearn,

Herbalist and Medical Electrician,

N.W. Cor. Fifth and Market Sts.,

Camden, N.J.


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