Philadelphia Inquirer – May 30, 1885
A War Trophy—Senator Sewell’s Departure and Other Camden Items.
Coroner Green, of Woodbury, assisted by Prosecutor of the Pleas of Gloucester county, Belmont Perry, yesterday held at Paulsboro the inquest on the death of Henry Day, who was drowned off the sloop Ella on the 19th instant. Several witnesses were examined, who testified that the crew of the sloop, while in Chester, had been drinking freely. Samuel Cox and Joseph Featherstone, fishermen, were in the vicinity of the sloop when Day was drowned and testified to seeing a fight on board. A man in a white hat (William Campbell), was scuttling with Day. They saw him strike Day, who fell overboard. The captain lowered a boat, which capsized and before the witnesses could render assistance he sank out of sight. The jury retired and, after a short deliberation, rendered the following verdict, “That Henry F. Day was drowned off the sloop Ella, lying in the Delaware river in the Jersey channel, near “Elijah’s” dock, opposite the shore of and in Logan township, Gloucester County, May 19, caused by being knocked overboard by a short man wearing a white hat, and by the evidence designated as ‘Billy’ Campbell, and that Samuel Tuttle and Thomas A. Joslyn were accessories thereto.” The prosecutor ordered the prisoners to be kept in confinement at Woodbury for trial. Campbell on the charge of manslaughter and Joslyn and Tuttle as accessories after the fact. Application will be made on Monday to have the prisoners released on habeas corpus.
John Evans, Register of Deeds of Camden county, has presented Hatch Post, No. 37, G.A.R., a handsome rebel flag captured by him during the late rebellion.
United States Senator William J. Sewell, vice president of the West Jersey Railroad Company, left Camden yesterday for Jersey City, where he intended remaining over night. This morning he will take the steamer Westerland for Europe where he intends making a three months’ sojourn.
Mrs. Matilda Schull [Ed note: Husband, Carl], a middle aged lady, residing on Atlantic avenue, near Third, in the Fifth ward, Camden, was struck and instantly killed yesterday morning by an express train on the West Jersey Railroad. Coroner H. H. Davis took charge of the remains and will hold an inquest. She with her husband were walking down the track and in endeavoring to get out of the way of the outward bound train got into the way of the morning Bridgeton express, with fatal results.
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