Depression Is Over Concern’s Slogan

Camden Courier-Post – February 8, 1933

300 New Wholesale Accounts Opened in January by Mother’s Koffee House

“The Depression Is Now Over”

That is the slogan adopted for 1933 by a Camden firm which reports that its business for last month showed a gain over January, 1932, and that its sales last year topped those for 1931.

“Quality merchandise, and hard work is the answer to our increased business,” says R. H. Benson, a member of the firm of Mother’s Koffee House, 1913-21 Broadway.” We have an efficient sales force and have added five salesmen since January 1, enlarging our territory. Since the beginning of the year we have added 300 wholesale accounts. Our retail coffee trade alone has shown a gain of 50 percent.”

Perhaps one reason for the success of Mother’s Koffee House, founded six years ago, is the experience of the three men who are partners in the business. All of them are acquainted with the business and have been in the trade for years.

R. H. Benson, in charge of the wholesale trade and buying, has been in the tea and coffee business 23 years, having worked throughout the East. He has been in Camden since 1920.

E. A. Barnes has been in the business 11 years and is sales manager. He is responsible for the well organized sales force which daily covers a radius of 60 miles.

I.M. Masner has been handling teas and coffees for 12 years and is an expert on coffee roasting and tea blending. It is due to his supervision that “Mother’s Brand” tea and coffee products put out by the concern, are used regularly by thousands.

The company imports the highest grade teas and coffees and makes daily deliveries of fresh-roasted coffee. The business of Mother’s Koffee House comprises a wide line of merchandise including spices, rice, peanuts, soaps, and household furnishings. Many of its products are made by nationally known manufacturers put up under the Camden firm’s brand name.


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