Camden Courier-Post – October 13, 1931
Popularity Contest Winner to Get Diamond Ring and Lead March
Convention Hall Ready for Show
Nine Entertainment Aces on Program; 400 Newsies Guests
Nine vaudeville acts, radio celebrities and a popularity contest will feature the first annual professional show and dance of the Camden Shrine Club of Crescent Temple tomorrow night in Convention Hall.
The show is being held to establish a permanent relief fund and is being directed by Jerry Baehr. Harry G. Hinchman, president of the club, is general chairman of the arrangements.
The popularity contest will close at midnight and the winner will be crowned “Miss Camden Shrine Club.” She will be presented with a diamond ring and will lead the grand march for the dance.
Four hundred Courier-Post newsboys, invited by Hinchman, will be guests at the big show, a special section having been set aside for them. The newsies will be led to the hall by David Loeb, Courier-Post circulation manager.
The show will open with a concert by the Camden Shrine Club Band, of which Joseph Bossle, Jr., is director, and Paul R. Wiest, assistant director. The opening selection will be a march dedicated to Hinchman and written by Bossle. Other numbers include melodies by Victor Herbert; Concert Mazurka “La Czarina,” by Ganne, and march, “Crescent Temple” by Mayer.
Radio performers will appear in the vaudeville program, which opens with Harry Taylor’s Syncopators, Main Line favorites, singing compositions of the day. Other numbers on the program include: Margaret Freeman, in “The Princess of Presentation”; Will Morris, European novelty in “Fun on the Bike”; Marion Gibney, “Talking About Her Neighbors”; Smith, Strong and Lee, “Three Tin Types”; Bonell and Bay, European sensations from the Hollywood Club, New York; Miss Freeman, songbird; Deluxe Quintet, comedy, singing and musical novelty, and “A Night on Broadway,” one of Gotham’s singing and dancing revues.
John H. Sibley is assistant general chairman and Harry M. Dease, treasurer. Mayor Roy R. Stewart is chairman of the publicity committee, assisted by George W. Williams, Jr., Michael Greenetz and Silas Boyer.
Commissioner Frank B. Hanna, chairman of the advertising committee, is assisted by Ernest L. Bartelt, C. Fowler Cline and J. Fred James.
Other committees are: Tickets, Charles W. Lacey, chairman; Paul R. West, Clarence Ford and William Matthews. Show, Sibley, chairman; Joseph Bossle, Abe Applebaum, Harry F. Ecky and Walter C. Culin. Reception, George C. Shallcross, Howard J. Dudley, past potentate, and J. Blair Cuthbert, past potentate. Ushers, George J. Schneider, Sr., chairman; Arthur, E. Armitage, Francis B. Bodine and Richard Baumiller, Jr.
A famous orchestra of radio crooners will provide music for the dance which begins with the grand march at midnight.
The committee last night announced that no seats have been reserved and ticketholders going to the hall early will get the choice of the best seats.

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