Wearshing Ready for Opening Night

Camden Courier-Post – November 12, 1930

By STEVE O’KEEFE, Morning Post Sports Editor

Temple Hero Enlists With Lobley for Eastern League Fray With Kennett Square

Huge Crowd is Expected

Grover Wearshing, whose football feats and dazzling play on the basketball boards, form a glowing part of the athletic history of Camden High School and Temple University, has enlisted with the Camden Club in the Eastern League and will join the team when the inaugural skirmish with the Kennett Square (Pa.) quintet is staged at the Convention Hall annex tonight.

Wearshing, now gridiron mentor at Camden High, will thus don the royal blue and white with another court hero who sparkled for the purple and gold. Eddie Lobley, captain of the Penn passers last season already has signed to perform along with Phil Knudsen, Bill Bergen, Tony Calland, Bill Johnson and Bernie Maguire the remainder of the local roster.

Owing to the heavy demand for seats, Manager Brown feels that a capacity crowd will met the club.

Announcement of the signing of Wearshing was made last night by Manager Jimmy Brown who expressed confidence that the present lineup will prove capable of hanging up a victory over Joe Sheehan and his invading mates tonight. Whether Wearshing will start is not determined but it is highly probable that he will at some time during the fray pair off in the backfield with the rugged Bergen, who proved a popular member of the local cast last season.

Johnson in Backfield

Bergen’s running mate when the game starts will probably be Johnson, who combines the happy faculty of speedy defensive play and. a deadly aim for the baskets. Lobley will get the call for one of the forward berths with the sturdy little Calland or Maguire in the opposite corner.

Knudsen, who abandoned the American: League position with the Paterson club, is regarded as one of the foremost pivot men in the East and his husky, six-foot-four-inch frame should prove valuable in mid-floor combat.

Owing to the fact that Knudsen, Bergen, Calland and Johnson have been playing regularly with the Union City Reds for the past several weeks, it is likely that Manager Brown will send this quartet into action with Lobley at the start of the game. Johnson, however, may be shifted to a forward post alongside Lobley in the even Wearshing is summoned to open the battle in the backfield.

Sheehan and Scrone at Guards

The Kennett Square ensemble will show Joe Sheehan, one-time Camden Catholic High and Villanova College guard, paired with Joe Scrone, a former local dribbler, in the defensive department with “Red” Ellis and Walter Gailey at forwards. Charley “Dink” Irwin is slated to engage Knudsen in the jumping duel.

Fans who flock to the civic hall for the fray will see a change in the battle floor, as the court has been shifted to the center of the annex and space for several hundred additional seats provided. In addition to this, music for dancing during the intermission and following the game will be provided.

The preliminary tussle tonight will present Sam Price and his Peerless Kids in action with the R. M. Hollingshead passers. This game will mark the start of the Camden County Industrial League pennant scramble. The early game is timed to start promptly at 8 p. m., under a penalty for failure to do so, in order that the Eastern League teams may be permitted to take the floor at 9 o’clock.


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