Tag: 2712 Hayes Avenue
Orris W. Smith
Orris W. Smith was born in Camden on September 8, 1920, to Edward and Catherine Smith. The 1924 City Directory lists the family at 1113 Carpenter Street. By 1929, they had moved to 2827 Concord Avenue in Cramer Hill, and by April of the following year, they had relocated next door to 2825 Concord Avenue.…
V.F.W. Plans Ball on Armistice Night
Camden Courier-Post – February 11, 1938 Fox Heads Affair; Drive for Members Stressed; Contribute to Red Cross Plans are being formulated for the fourth annual military ball by the Veterans of Foreign Wars to be held Armistice night, November 11. County Commander Charles B. Frank, at the meeting of the Camden County Council of the…
Auxiliary of V.F.W. Schedules Banquet
Camden Courier-Post – February 1, 1938 Matthews-Purnell Post Group to Observe 16th Anniversary Tonight The Ladies Auxiliary of the Corporal Mathews-Purnell Post No. 518, Veterans of Foreign Wars, will observe its sixteenth anniversary tonight at 8.30 o’clock with a banquet in O’Donnell’s Restaurant and Cafe, Thirty-ninth and Federal Streets. More than 100 persons will attend.…