Camden Courier-Post – February 11, 1938
Fox Heads Affair; Drive for Members Stressed; Contribute to Red Cross
Plans are being formulated for the fourth annual military ball by the Veterans of Foreign Wars to be held Armistice night, November 11. County Commander Charles B. Frank, at the meeting of the Camden County Council of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, on February 4, named Harold Paul, Fox chairman of the event.
Fox, who is chief of staff of the department of New Jersey, spoke on the membership drive being staged nationally by the V. F. W. and of the benefits that have been accomplished through legislation for the veteran and his department which could not have been otherwise brought about except through the representation of the membership of the various veteran organizations, Fox said.
Senior Vice Commander Conrad F. Holzermer, of the council, who is chairman of the membership drive in Camden county, appeals to all ex-service men in the city and county of Camden who served either in the Philippines, Puerto Rico, China, Mexico, Vera Cruz, France, Germany, Russia, Santo Domingo or Nicaragua to contact any post or member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars who will gladly explain the benefits he eventually derives in later years through his membership in this veteran organization.
In answer to the appeal of the American Red Cross for the relief of the civilians in war-torn China, a check was mailed to the Camden County Chapter of the American Red Cross to be used for such relief.
Seek Jersey as Ship Name
Capt. H. G. Sparrow All-Navy Ship No.1269 — At the meeting Tuesday night the ship went on record supporting the request made to Congress by Congressman J. Parnell Thomas that the next battleship authorized be named the [U.S.S.] New Jersey. Due to the historical background and the fact that New Jersey is one of the 13 original colonies, it was deemed fitting that the state should receive this consideration. Letters have been forwarded, through proper channels, to that effect.
Members were urged to listen in on the “Hello America” radio hour on February 28 at 11.30 p. m. Commander-in-Chief Scott P. Squyres will deliver the membership obligation over the air at approximately 12.10 and will have a message of interest for all V. F. W. members. Howard H. Bean and M. Mungioli, of Post No. 518, and C. Sutton and E. Gaylord from Post No. 980, attended the meeting. Horace Kershner was also present, having been discharged from Philadelphia Naval Hospital recently, after spending 17 months there. Entertainment Chairman Tom Jackson announced that a Washington’s birthday party will be held at the ships quarters, 304 State street on Saturday night February 26. He also is planning an old-fashioned ‘Navy Night,’ the date of which will be announced later.
Gross-Hollinshed Post No. 1270 Auxiliary — Mrs. Kathryn Corbett, assistant department staff officer, attended the meeting on February 3 for the purpose of inspection. The president attended the institution and installation of officers of the recently organized Townsend-Young Auxiliary in Gloucester, on February 2. She has made arrangements to visit the Soldiers’ Home in Vineland on Sunday. At that time, she will take gifts of cigarettes, donated by members of the post and auxiliary, together with valentine packages made by the Junior Red Cross of the Pennsauken Junior High School, under the direction of Miss Maguire. As County Council President Mrs. H. Hearn will preside at the next meeting of the council, to be held Monday, at which the Mucci Auxiliary will entertain.
Plans Charter Night
Corp. Mathews-Purnell Post No. 518, 2712 Hayes avenue, plans to hold a charter member night. Commander Clarence Hewitt has appointed a committee to plan the affair and see that every charter member of the post who is still alive, is contacted and requested to be present. It is Hewitt’s suggestion that along with this charter member night, that every member of the post at present should make every effort to obtain a new recruit or reinstatement and have them at the post home on February 28,when the Commander-in-Chief Squyres, will deliver the obligation to thousands of recruits in all parts of these United States over a nationwide radio hookup.
Part of the program drawn up by the National Encampment held at Buffalo last September, and which is now spoken of all over our nation, known as “Keep America Out of War,” is misunderstood by many citizens of this country, said Howard Bean, post publicity officer.
When the subject was discussed on the floor of Post No. 518 it was stated by Commander Hewitt that it should be known by all Americans that the V.F.W. unanimously reject the “peace-at-any price” theory of the pacifist, but favors instead a strong national defense with sufficient power to command respect for America’s neutrality in wars between other nations.
Quartermaster Perry J. Wark, declared it should prove to Congress the American people believe that adequate preparedness against war will discourage a challenge to war from nations, that know and respect our military strength.
Commander Hewitt, along with Michael Mungioli, Chester Knaub, Harry Cameron and Bean attended the State Department meeting at Burlington and the post’s members will attempt to have some representation at the next State meeting to be held somewhere in Bergen county, when the announcement will be made as to where the State encampment will be held this coming June.
Ladies Auxiliary, Corp. Mathews-Purnell Post, No. 518 — At the regular meeting last Friday night there were as guests, Mrs. Hazel Hearn, Camden county president; Mrs. Lizette McCullough, both members of the Gross Hollingshed Auxiliary, and Mrs. Beirs and Mrs. Gaylord of the Sgt. W. T. Whitaker Auxiliary, No. 1952, of Pennsville. Wednesday night, a delegation of No. 518 members visited the newly-instituted Townsend Young Auxiliary, No. 3620, in Gloucester. Tonight after the regular business session a “Lincoln Tea” will be held. Mrs. Minnie Martin will be hostess, assisted by Mrs. Irene Mensch.
Want Jersey as Name
Camden Post No. 980 Plans were laid for the coming “Poppy Drive” and Commander Sutton withheld the appointment of the chairman of this committee until next meeting.
Commander Sutton appointed Wm. E. Hilbmann as chairman to arrange for a tribute to those who lost their lives on the U. S. S. Maine that was blown up with the loss of 266 officers and men in the harbor of Havana, Cuba, in 1898, on next Tuesday night. All post officers and men will assemble at post quarters for this ceremony.
The post adopted a resolution to be sent the U. S. Navy Department and to Congressman Charles A. Wolverton that one of the new battleships be named after the State of New Jersey.
Commander Sutton lead a delegation of Post 980 to the Lt. H. Kenneth Elliott Post No. 1931, in Audubon, to witness the ceremonies when the traveling gavel was presented to that post by Corp. Mathews-Purnell Post No. 518 of Camden last night.
Pup Tent Activities
Chigger Pup Tent No. 7, Military Order of the Cooties, Veterans of Foreign Wars held a scratch at the quarters of Camden Post No. 980, on Monday night. There were 77 members present and Seam Squirrel John J. Browne presided. Arrangements will be made to have the Pup Tent meet at the different posts, due to the fact that the members are from the different posts of the county.
James O’Brien was appointed chairman of the entertainment committee,was directed to plan for a show and to submit his report at the next meeting. Proceeds will go toward expenses of the tent to the national encampment of the V.F.W. in Columbus, Ohio, in September.
The formation of a Cootie Band was discussed and Cornelius A.Sullivan, drum major and manager of the drum and bugle corps of Camden Post No. 980, was asked to lead the movement.
Sutton and Harrold were instructed to find ways and means to get a suitable silk banner for the Pup Tent. They will report at the next meeting. Members were present from Corp. Mathews-Purnell Post, No. 518, Camden Post No. 980 and Capt. H. G. Sparrow Ship, No. 1260, of Camden; Gross-Hollingshed Post, No. 1270, of Pennsauken township; Townsend-Young Post, No. 3620, of Gloucester, and Post No. 1952, of Pennsville. The next meeting will be held at 308 Broadway, February 21.
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