Camden Courier-Post – February 1, 1938
Matthews-Purnell Post Group to Observe 16th Anniversary Tonight
The Ladies Auxiliary of the Corporal Mathews-Purnell Post No. 518, Veterans of Foreign Wars, will observe its sixteenth anniversary tonight at 8.30 o’clock with a banquet in O’Donnell’s Restaurant and Cafe, Thirty-ninth and Federal Streets. More than 100 persons will attend.
The auxiliary, which has headquarters at 2712 Hayes Avenue is named in honor of two World War veterans, both soldiers from the Cramer Hill section, who were killed in the war. They were Charles Mathews Jr. and Oliver Purnell Jr., and their parents will be present as guest of honor. Another Gold Star mother, Mrs. Gaston Atger also will attend. Both Mathews and Purnell served in France in the 29th division under Lieutenant Colonel George Selby.
Mrs. Theresa Mungioli, past president of the group, is chairman of the committee on arrangements. Other members of the committee are Mrs. Minnie Martin, Mrs. Anna Jackson, Mrs. Betty Donlon and Mrs. Helen J. Cholister.
John Mullan, past department commander will be toastmaster. Mrs. Mildred Reed is president of the auxiliary.
Other guests listed are: Mrs. Carrie R. Bean, senior department vice, president; Mrs. Frances Fulton, of Hoboken, national council member of the second district, Mrs. Dorothy Indoe, of Paterson, state president of the auxiliary; City Commissioner Mary W. Kobus, Raymond G.” Rube” Price, past commander of the post and Freeholder of the Eleventh ward; Mrs. Maud Ryan, of Atlantic City, past state president; Charles Franks, present county commander of the V.F.W.; Thomas Fields, department commander; Charles Hewitt, commander of Corporal Mathews-Purnell Post; Mrs. Florence E. Stark, past national president and chairman of national rehabilitation; Mrs. Simona Anderson, past county president; J.” Chuck” Connors, councilman of the Seventh district; and Mrs. Joseph Snyder, who will sing the Star Spangled Banner.
Under the direction of Mrs. Bean, the auxiliary has organized a junior unit of the daughters of the V.F.W., which now has a membership of 5958. Miss Doris Price is president of the group.
![Theresa Mungioli, Banquet Chairman - 1938-02-01](
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