Tag: Camden County Vocational School

  • Theodore T. Kausel

    Theodore T. Kausel was born in New York on October 25, 1885. By 1919, he resided in Camden, New Jersey, where he served as superintendent of the Castle Kid Company, one of the city’s leather manufacturing businesses. According to the 1920 Census, he lived at 1473 Baird Avenue (later Baird Boulevard) in Camden’s newly developed…

  • Eugene F. Alston

    Eugene F. Alston

    EUGENE F. ALSTON was born October 16, 1919 in Camden to Richard Alston and his wife, the former Dolly Robinson. His father had been born in 1891 in Henderson, North Carolina. Richard Alston was working as a laborer at the Victor Talking Machine Company in June of 1917, and had married. Mr. and Mrs. Alston…

  • Camden’s Railroads the Topic of Stanton’s New Book

    Camden’s Railroads the Topic of Stanton’s New Book

    Camden Courier-Post – January 4, 2008 By Thomas A. Bergbauer, for the Courier-Post Our friend in Seminole, Fla., is at it again. Camden native Robert A. Stanton has published another book about his beloved city. Stanton, a retired chemical engineer, has been writing books about old Camden since the 1990s. His newest addition is “The…

  • Vocational School to Remain Open

    Camden Courier-Post – June 15, 1933 Freeholders Also Rescue Farm Aid Bureau and Home Extension Service By approving issuance of a $20,000 emergency note, the Camden County Board of Freeholders yesterday afternoon assured continuance of the Camden County Vocational Training School and maintenance of the Agricultural Demonstration Bureau and Home Economic Extension Service until December…