Tag: Edward J Borden Sr
Edward J. Borden
EDWARD J. BORDEN SR. was born in Boston, Massachusetts on January 12, 1888 to John and Beatrice Borden, both of whom were born in Canada. The elder Borden was a boilermaker by trade. The family moved to Illinois shortly after Edward Borden’s birth, residing there as early as 1890 and as late as July of…
Realty Men Oppose County Park Loans
Camden Courier-Post – August 9, 1933 Resolution Denounces Borrowing of Funds for Projects Not Self-liquidating One of two resolutions adopted yesterday afternoon by the Taxation Committee of the Camden County Real Estate Board opposes the borrowing by Camden county or city of any funds for projects that are not self-liquidating. The resolutions were acted upon…
Leon E. Todd Dinner Planned by Realtors
Camden Courier-Post – August 8, 1933 Leon E. Todd, Camden and Medford realtor, newly elected vice president of the National Association of Real Estate Boards, will be honored at a testimonial dinner to be given here September 15, it was revealed last night. Edward J. Borden, president of the New Jersey Real Estate Commission, will…
195 Get Diplomas at Catholic High
Camden Courier-Post – June 19, 1933 Largest Class in History Is Graduated as 2000 Gather for Tribute Diplomas were awarded to 195 graduates of Camden Catholic High School at annual commencement exercises held yesterday in Convention Hall, where nearly 2000 persons gathered to pay tribute. The class, comprising 99 boys and 96 girls, was the…
75 Students Gain High Rating In Catholic High Senior Class
Camden Courier-Post – June 16, 1933 195 Graduates to Receive Diplomas Tomorrow Afternoon at Convention Hall; 15 to Be Given Gold Medals Out of a class of 195 graduates to be presented diplomas tomorrow at the commencement exercises of Camden Catholic High School, 75 have finished with scholastic averages better than 85 percent. Seven recorded…
Camden Catholic High to Graduate Largest Class In Its History
Camden Courier-Post – June 14, 1933 195 to Get Diplomas Sunday in Exercises at Convention Hall; Three Get Scholarships;. Medals for 15 The largest class in the history of Camden Catholic High School – 195 students – will receive diplomas Sunday afternoon at the annual commencement exercises to be held in Convention Hall. Ninety-nine boys…
Borden Honored at Dinner On Election as President Of Real Estate Commission
Leading real estate brokers and notables in other callings paid high tribute last night to Edward J. Borden in honor of his election as president of the New Jersey Real Estate Commission.
Borden to be Guest of Realty Board
Camden Courier Post – June 8, 1933 Newly Elected President of Commission Will Be Honored at Dinner Edward J. Borden will be guest of honor tonight of the Camden County Real Estate Board at a banquet in honor of his election as president of the New Jersey Real Estate Commission. The banquet, to be held…