Tag: Hotel Walt Whitman

  • E. George Aaron, Ex-Camden Aide, Attorney, Is Dead

    E. George Aaron, Ex-Camden Aide, Attorney, Is Dead

    Camden Courier-Post – May 13, 1960 Public Safety Director for Nine Years E. George Aaron, former public safety director and an attorney active in Camden’s public, civic and philanthropic affairs more than 30 years, is dead. Mr. Aaron died shortly before 8 p.m. Thursday in the Cherry Hill Apartments, Delaware Township, where he had lived…

  • Auto Gunmen Fell Racetrack Figure

    Charleston, WV Daily Mail – August 27, 1944 Camden NJ, August 26 (AP) — Five automatic shotgun blasts from a speeding automobile felled Robert Francis Curran, 44, of Silver Spring MD, a race horse trainer at Garden State Park, as he left the Walt Whitman Hotel in downtown Camden Saturday. Thirteen pellets hit Curran, but…

  • Rotary Club Hears Hitler Denounced

    Rotary Club Hears Hitler Denounced

    Adolph Hitler and his “brown barbarians” were accused of aiming to make war the “be-all and end-all of human evolution” in an address by Walter Schoenstedt

  • Webster Elected Executive Head of Camden Boy Scouts

    Webster Elected Executive Head of Camden Boy Scouts

    Camden Courier-Post – February 1, 1938 30 Men Get Certificates as Leaders and Five Troops Receive Star Awards Trophy for Veteran Warren Webster, Jr., was elected president of the executive board of Camden County Council, Boy Scouts of America, at its annual dinner meeting last night. He succeeds J. William Markeim. The meeting was in…


    Camden Courier-Post – February 1, 1938 Jewish Community to Fete Dr. Goldstein, President of Palestine Fund Rabbi Israel Goldstein, of New York, president of the Jewish National Fund of America, will speak tonight at a mass meeting at the Hotel Walt Whitman, in celebration of the 35th anniversary of the Jewish National Fund. Preceding the…

  • Unnamed Article

    Camden Courier-Post – February 28, 1936 The regular weekly luncheon of the American Legion Luncheon Club was held at the Hotel Walt Whitman last Monday with Townsend H. Boyer, chairman, presiding. Boyer introduced John Carl, commander of the Murray-Trout Post No. 262, of Audubon and also principal of the Audubon High School. Commander Carl talked…

  • Kobus Named Head of Puzzlers Group As Convention Ends

    Kobus Named Head of Puzzlers Group As Convention Ends

    Camden Courier-Post – Feburary 24, 1936 ‘Nedmac’ (Spell It Backwards) Elected; Wife Retires as Vice President NEW WORDS PRESENTED By THOMAS O’HALLORAN Joseph F. Kobus, retired Camden merchant, was elected president of the National Puzzlers League, Inc. at the closing session yesterday of its 105th semi-annual convention. The convention opened Saturday in the Hotel Walt…

  • National Puzzlers to Hold Semi-Annual Session Here

    Camden Courier-Post – February 20, 1936 Amateur Creators of Brain Twisters Open Three-Day Conclave Tomorrow Mrs. Kobus to Greet Delegates onArrival Puzzledom, that world of crypto-grams, psychology and pseudonyms, will have its capital in Camden beginning and continuing through Sunday. It will be the 105th semi-annual convention of the National Puzzlers’ League, Inc. Back in…

  • Mrs. Kobus to Address Realty Board Members

    Camden Courier-Post – February 20, 1936 City Commissioner Mary W. Kobus will deliver the principal address today at the Camden County Real Estate Board luncheon in Hotel Walt Whitman. Her topic will be “Vandalism and the Police Department.” Another speaker will be Emanuel Smith, who will speak on “The Development of a New Idea For…

  • Realty Men Oppose County Park Loans

    Realty Men Oppose County Park Loans

    Camden Courier-Post – August 9, 1933 Resolution Denounces Borrowing of Funds for Projects Not Self-liquidating One of two resolutions adopted yesterday afternoon by the Taxation Committee of the Camden County Real Estate Board opposes the borrowing by Camden county or city of any funds for projects that are not self-liquidating. The resolutions were acted upon…

  • Bardo to Appoint N.R.A. Committees

    Drive in Camden County Forges Ahead as More Firms Sign Camden Courier-Post – August 8, 1933 The N.R.A. recovery drive in the Camden area forged ahead on three fronts yesterday. Clinton L. Bardo, president of the New York Shipbuilding Company, was appointed chairman of the N.RA. campaign committee for Camden city and county. Two hundred…

  • Baird, Stokes Lash Richards Ambitions And ‘Horse Trading’

    Baird, Stokes Lash Richards Ambitions And ‘Horse Trading’

    Camden Courier-Post – June 30, 1933 Dinner to Reesman and Mrs. Verga Packs Whitman Local Delegates Get High Praise Ex-Governor Denounces Roosevelt Program, Hits Inflation By Ransloe Boone Bitter criticism of the “horse trading” of the Legislature and the gubernatorial aspirations of Senate President Emerson L.Richards, were coupled with appeals for party loyalty and praise…

  • Salvation Army Names Lippincott

    Camden Courier-Post – June 24, 1933 Camden Unit Makes Real Estate Broker Chairman of Advisory Boards Earl R. Lippincott, real estate broker, has been named chairman of the advisory board of the Camden unit of the Salvation Army, succeeding William D. Sayrs. Elections of officers for the group were held yesterday following a luncheon meeting…

  • Stage and Radio Send Stars To Aid Camden Stores

    Camden Courier-Post – June 17, 1933 Jubilee Noted Entertainers Are Given Welcome by Mayor as Event Closes Co-Operation Days The “Co-operation Days” jubilee of the combined merchants of Camden ended Saturday with a visit to this city by stage and radio stars as guests of Sears, Roebuck and Company and the city. The group of…

  • 75 Students Gain High Rating In Catholic High Senior Class

    Camden Courier-Post – June 16, 1933 195 Graduates to Receive Diplomas Tomorrow Afternoon at Convention Hall; 15 to Be Given Gold Medals Out of a class of 195 graduates to be presented diplomas tomorrow at the commencement exercises of Camden Catholic High School, 75 have finished with scholastic averages better than 85 percent. Seven recorded…