Camden Courier-Post – October 14, 1931
Shrine Club to Select Contest Winner at Convention Hall Show
Sixteen South Jersey girls are competing in a popularity contest which closes tonight at the first annual professional show and dance of Camden Shrine Club in Convention Hall.
The winner of the contest, which is being directed by Mrs. Norman Nutting, will be announced at mid night. She will be presented with a diamond ring and crowned “Miss Camden Shrine Club” with pomp and ceremony. The winner will then lead the grand march.
The contestants are: Dorothy Haines, Pemberton; Helen Robinson, Audubon; Helen Carr, Woodlynne; Alice Nary, 890 Pine Street; Roberta Johnson, Woodbury; Beatrice Funk, 1618 Broadway; Helen Reed, 1156 Langham Avenue; Madeline Short, Collingswood; Lois Seidleman, Walt Whitman Hotel; Thelma Farr, 646 Royden Street; Nellie Lucas, 620 West Street; Anna Bowers, Runnemede; Lillian Davis, 901 North Thirty-first Street; Alice Rowan, Oaklyn; Alma Townsend, 2929 Westfield Avenue, and Jessie Franklin, Collingswood.
Jerry Baehr, director of the show, announced last night that dancing will start at 10:00 p. m. A radio orchestra will provide music for the dance numbers. Proceeds are for the club’s permanent relief fund.
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