Tag: Isaac Ferris Jr.
1890 Review of Camden, New Jersey – Part 10
FRANK MESTER, IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALER 4th AND ARCH STREETS. This is one of the most widely known houses in the town, it having had an established reputation for the sale of unadulterated wines and liquors. The business was established may years ago by Mr. George Ooetz, who successfully ran the business until 1877,…
1890 Review of Camden, New Jersey – Part 1
1890 Historical and Industrial Review of Camden, New Jersey – Intro The Historical and Industrial Review of Camden, New Jersey was commissioned and published by Camden’s Board of Trade, a forerunner of the Chamber of Commerce. NEW YORK: COMMERCIAL PUBLISHING COMPANY. 1890 The Camden City Board of Trade In recognition of the serious detriment to…
Patrons, Patronesses Announced Today for First Military Ball
Camden Courier-Post – January 28, 1928 Patrons and patronesses for the first military ball of the Camden Post No. 960, Veterans of Foreign Wars, to be held on Friday evening February 3 in the Elks auditorium, Seventh and Cooper Streets, are announced today. The following prominent men and women are listed: Mrs. J.W. Connor, Miss…