This page is part of the 1890 Historical and Industrial Review of Camden, New Jersey. Please also see the following pages which continue the publication:
Part 1 – Introduction
Part 2 – Businesses
Part 3 – Businesses (Cont’d)
Part 4 – Businesses (Cont’d)
Part 5 – Businesses (Cont’d)
Part 6 – Businesses (Cont’d)
Part 7 – Businesses (Cont’d)
Part 8 – Businesses (Cont’d)
Part 9 – Businesses (Cont’d)
Part 10 – Conclusion
This is one of the most widely known houses in the town, it having had an established reputation for the sale of unadulterated wines and liquors. The business was established may years ago by Mr. George Ooetz, who successfully ran the business until 1877, when the present proprietor purchased his interest and has conducted it ever since.
The store occupied is 50 x 75 feet in dimensions and fitted in the handsomest manner possible. All Fine liquors are sold. All kinds of Champaignes, Sherrys, Ports, Red and White German Wine are sold. All the many grades of Whiskies, Gins and Rums as well as all kinds of Bottled liquors and Cordials are handled. Three capable and genial assistants are employed.
Mr. Mester is a native of Germany, but has been one of our townsmen for the past 20 years. He is prominently connected with the various societies in the city.
Mr. Mester does all his own importing, being the only dealer in such of German Wines.

Perhaps there is not a better or more favorably known, establishment of this character in town than that of Mr. Hillier, who has been in this business a number of years at the same place that he now occupies.
The store itself has an area of about 20×75 feet with the work-rooms in the rear. A dining-room with a seating capacity of possibly 50 is also much used in the summer season.
Mr. Hillier’s specialty is fine goods, all sorts of fine fancy cakes, and made as well as the cheaper ones in great variety. A manufactory of ice cream is also carried on, the product of which is sold at wholesale as well as retail the capacity of which is about 600 quarts a week when running at the busiest time of the year. Mr. Hillier has in his employ six practical men who know the business as thoroughly as it is possible to know. One team is kept moving at a very lively gait to get the outside customers orders and deliver them.
Mr. Hillier is a native of Philadelphia but has been identified with the city so long that he has become also the same as a native.
No review of Camden’s industries would do the city’s commercial activity justice were it to fail to call attention to the importance of the lumber industry in our midst. Among the representative houses in this department is that of Shivers & Moffett which this well-known firm established in 1885. They occupy a neatly arranged office, adjoining which is an enormous yard of 120 x 300 feet in dimensions half stocked with general builders’ lumber of the most approved stock excellence.
The business done is a large one and is constantly developing in consequence of the energy and aim which is put into it by its enterprising owners, who employ seven assistants in the transaction of business.
Mr. William Shivers is a native of Camden County and Mr. Henry Moffett of Philadelphia. The latter gentleman has been one of our city councilmen. Both are wide-awake and pushing merchants whose success is richly merited.
Among the industries of Camden, Carriage Building is without a doubt one of the most prominent. Mr. George J. Swope recognizing this fact has opened a large and commodious factory. The building is about 60 x 20 feet in dimensions. Carriage and Wagon building is carried on in all its phases, a specialty being made of repairing fine carriages. The business gives employment to three skilled workmen.
Mr. Swope has always been in this line and is a highly practical and skillful workman; he formerly had a factory of the same kind in Philadelphia. He is an active member of the Knights of Birmingham, a part of Masonic Order, and the Knights of Pythias.
Progressive journalism is certainly shown by those having in charge the above mentioned paper. Published as it is, by the Telegram Publishing Co., it shows that in matters of local note, it compares very favorably with much larger papers of Philadelphia and sister cities. The paper was established six years ago, Independent Republican in tone and yet fearless in its attacks on jobbery, bossism or fraud if found in any political party, it has the esteem and regard of its many readers.
The type is clear and clean, great care being taken that no typographical errors are made; a fact of itself being a commendable one.
Coming out every afternoon in the week but Sunday, it has somewhat of an advantage in the way of reproducing the morning events for its reader’s delectation. Its editorials are generally brilliant but concise and always to the point.
The stockholders are J. C. Hamilton, W. Scott Albertson and Upton S. Jefferys.
The paper is a six column folio, purely local in character and presents an exceedingly neat appearance. Twenty-five people are constantly employed, .ranging from the editor in chief to apprentice boy.
We cannot close this too brief review without predicting the Telegram still more success in the future as those having it in charge are fully alive to the interests of a first-class journal.
The beginning of the Camden Morning News, like that of the oak, was small, but its future promises great things, it being destined to become one of the leading dailies of New Jersey, being the only morning newspaper published between Trenton and the sea.
The paper was first started as a weekly, on November 17, 1888, at Fourth and Kaighn avenue, by James M. Fitzgerald and Edward Watson. It then bore the suggestive name of Fads, and being an aggressive and progressive sheet, fairly bristled with them, every line glistening with the force and wit of its editor, Mr. Fitzgerald.
At that time the type was set and the paper printed at the Keighton Printing House, 607 Sansom street, Philadelphia. After struggling along for a few weeks, Mr. William H. Getty was induced to put some money into the enterprise, and from that time on the paper began to boom and be a power in the city. It was formed into a stock company, called the “Facts Publishing Company,” with a paid up capital of $5,000, divided into 1,000 shares, and ran as a weekly paper until March 13, 1889. In the meantime, or on March 8, 1889, the old Campbell press, on which the successful Daily Courier had been started, was purchased from Mr. Theodore N. Patterson. A boiler and engine were also bought, together with new type and other material, and when the daily edition was started the paper had a very complete plant.
The title of the paper was made the Morning News at this time, and afterwards changed to the Camden Morning News. The daily edition succeeded from the start, until its quarters at Fourth and Kaighn avenue grew too small, and on December 15, 1889, the plant was removed to the handsome building at 125 Federal street, erected by F. F. Patterson especially for newspaper purposes, where the paper is published at present.
The movement was a good one and helped the paper wonderfully, placing it on an equal footing with its contemporaries at once. During the winter and spring the entire force was reorganized and the paper made one of the brightest in the State. The circulation and business increased rapidly, and on May 4, 1890, a new Bullock press and a complete stereotyping plant were purchased, being the only ones in the State south of Newark. These improved facilities added increased prosperity, the main credit for which Mr. Getty deserves.
On July 14, 1890, Mr. Fitzgerald sold out his interest in the news to Mr. Getty, and the latter gentleman the following day had the title of the company changed from the ”Facts Publishing Company” to the ”News Company.” He immediately organized a new stock company, with a capital of $20,000, divided into 4,000 shares, nearly all of which he owns.
The officers of the present company are Richard S. Ridgway, President; Thomas Hall, Secretary; William H. Getty, Treasurer. These gentlemen are also the Directors.

With that keen discernment which has always characterized her business vision, the accomplished lady whose name heads this article, has been among the first to realize the advantage of locating in the commodious and luxurious quarters in what is known as “Holl’s Block.” An extremely nice stock of goods is carried, including Dry Goods, Ribbons, Trimmings, Silks, etc. The proprietress is a native of New Jersey and was formerly located at 517 Market street.
A Reviews of the manufacturing and commercial interests of Camden would be very defective without some account of the leading banks, the supporters and arbiters of trade transactions. The oldest and one of the most solid of the fiscal corporations of the city is the National State Bank, which is equally notable for its age — having been chartered originally as long ago as 1812 — and for the careful reliability of its management and its consequent uninterrupted prosperity and success. It was created under the Act of the Legislature of New Jersey of January, 1812, authorizing the establishing of State Banks at Trenton, Camden, and other places, in February of that year, and commenced business on June 16, the first President being William Russell, and the first Cashier Richard M. Cooper, the names of members of the Cooper family and of most of the prominent Camden families having always been found on its list of officers from its inception. A copy of the original advertisement of the Bank, taken from a newspaper of those days, and giving directors’ or discount days, with a form for notes, and also publishing the arrangements for applications for discount in Philadelphia, still hangs in the private office of the Banking House.
In 1829 the Legislature extended the old act of incorporation until 1852, and in 1849 another act gave a further extension for twenty years after the expiration of the then existing charter. When the system of National Banks was inaugurated, it merged its character of a State Bank in that of a National one, and on June 2, 1865, became the National State Bank of Camden, John Gill being President, and Jesse Townsend, Cashier.
A general banking business is transacted, embracing all the usual details of deposits, loans, discounts and collections, the latter department being a specialty of this bank, which collects through its correspondents-in all the chief cities, especially in Philadelphia and New York, the Girard Bank acting as its agent in the former city, and the Importers’ and Traders’ and the Ninth National in the latter. The discount days are Tuesday and Friday at 10 o’clock A. M. The capital is $260,000, with a surplus of an equal amount.
The volume of business is very large, as might be expected in a corporation of such high standing and with such a long and unimpeachable record; and notwithstanding the competition of more recently established corporations, is continually increasing, this Bank, it is safe to say, is doing a larger business than any south of Trenton, which fact is not only gratifying to its patrons, but an eminent proof ‘of its uniformly conservative and careful, while yet energetic management. The Bank is noted in financial circles for the value of its stock, having always been a large dividend paying institution, which important element adds greatly to its impregnable character.
The bank building is a commodious and substantial one, and was enlarged and improved in 1875. It stands on the original site, at the N. W. corner of Second and Market streets, in the center of the business part of the city. For the convenience of Philadelphia patrons the Bank has an office at 223 Market street in Philadelphia.
The officers are: President, Mr. Heulings Lippincott; Cashier, Mr. Wilbur F. Rose; and Directors, Messrs. Israel W. Heulings, Thomas W. Davis, Joshua W. Lippincott, Benjamin F. Archer, John S. Bispham, Emmor Roberts, William Watson, Edward Dudley, John Gill, John T. Bottomley, Calvin S. Crowell, and G. Genge Browning.
The development of the real estate interests of this city has resulted in no small degree from the energy and enterprise of our leading brokers, and prominent among the number is Mr. Harris Graffen. The house was one of the oldest and most responsible of Philadelphia, having been established there more than two score years ago and enjoyed a reputation for reliability second to none.
Mr. Graffen came to this city some six months ago to establish a branch office in connection with his Philadelphia office, in Brown Brothers building Fourth and Chestnut streets. Since that time, however, Mr. Graffen’s business in this city has grown to such proportions, that he has made his Camden office the main office, and his Philadelphia office is conducted by his assistants, under his direction.
Mr. Graffen conducts a general real estate business, giving special attention to the sale of unimproved, suburban, sea-side and country properties. Mr. Graffen is regarded as a reliable authority upon present and prospective values, and both buyers and sellers will find his long experience and superior judgment of much importance in the conduct of real estate transactions.
Mr. Graffen is sole sales agent for the well known Sharon Hills Land Association, and for “Audubon,” a new suburb on the line of the Reading Route to the Sea, and parties, desiring to purchase eligible building sites will do well to call at his well appointed and centrally located office.
In recognition of his administrative and executive ability, the Board of Trade of this city some six months ago solicited Mr. Graffen to become its Secretary. The Board of Trade recognizing their need of a wide-awake, broad-guage business man to manage their affairs prevailed upon Mr. Graffen to act as their executive officer, and the wisdom of their selection has been demonstrated by the energy and life that now characterizes the Board. Thirty members were added in less than two months, and a stir has been made in every department of business in which the Board might naturally be expected to influence. Mr. Graffen is popular and respected in business circles, and his policy and methods is a thorough-going exponent of the great cardinal principles of equity and probity, which form the only basis of enduring prosperity.
A prominent feature of Camden’s business is its lumber yards, and in a review of its industrial resources space must be given to the spacious place of George A. Munger & Bro., which is 100×600 feet in dimensions and which gives employment to 20 workmen all the year round.
The business here was established by the present firm in 1883 for the purpose of introducing into the Northern and Middle States the celebrated North Carolina Pine Wood which they handle exclusively, having it all shipped here from Beaufort, North Carolina.
The special property which tends to make the wood so popular is its remarkable durability and most intelligent builders give it the preference over all others for floorings and wainscoatings.
Mr. George Munger personally looks after the business here, his brother Chauncey W. Munger, looking after the destines of the Carolina end of the enterprise.
Mr. George Munger is a native of New York and is Highly esteemed in the community, being a member of the Republican Club. He is also interested in the firm of J. B. Van Sciver & Co., and is regarded as one of our most substantial and conservative business men.
Among the largest and most responsible dealers in southern Camden in this line of goods is the gentlemen whose names lead this article. Originally established by Harrop & Bro., in 1888, it came into possession of Henry S. Harrop in May, 1890; the present proprietors succeeded this firm in May, 1890.
From its first inception this house has proven a convenience to the trade and public in general. The salesroom proper is 18 x 36 feet in dimensions, stocked with the best products of the market. Butter, Cheese and Eggs are the specialties run, but no lack of attention is given to a general line of Country Produce. At the present time they are running some 500 pounds of Butter a week, Harrop & Evans having the agency of the Standard Butter Company, of Oswego, N. Y., whose “Gilt Edge” Creamery Butter is too well known fo purity and general excellence to require any elucidation from the pen of the writer.
Mr. Hugh Harrop, a brother of one of the proprietors, located in the agricultural districts of Iowa, devotes especial attention to supplying the eastern agency with the products of his farm, and fresh consignments are daily received and supplied to a select and steadier increasing patronage.
Several assistants are employed and a team utilized to facilitate the progress of the establishment. Prior to engaging in his present mercantile pursuit, Mr. Harrop was engaged in the wool department of John & James Dobson, carpet manufacturers, as receiving clerk, and since establishing here he has readily sprang into popular favor as a young and enterprising business man, sustaining a reputable position in the business world as a reliable dealer; he is a Red Man and Odd Fellow.
Mr. Albert J. Evans is a native of Virginia and has been engaged in his present line of business for the past five years in Philadelphia, is a member of the Order of Red Men, and is highly esteemed in both business and social circles.

One of the oldest and most favorably known houses of this kind in the city is that of Mr. Sinnickson Chew. This gentleman succeeded the late Samuel C. Harbert in 1862, and has managed the business successfully since its inception.
The store is about 20 x 30 feet in dimensions, and the printing room up stairs occupy the third floor which is 50 x 90 feet. Three cylinder and three job presses are kept busy. The printing business done is without exception the largest in the city; a newspaper is printed here, the well known West Jersey Press. Special attention is also paid to catalogue and job’s work [like many of the Camden NJ City Directories — ed.], which is done in the shortest possible time.
A fine stock of Stationery, Blank Books, Paper, Pens and Fancy Articles are also kept. Twenty-five skilled workmen are employed when running normally.
Mr. Chew is a native of Salem County, New Jersey, he has been a prominent resident of the city for many years, and always to be found among the men who are looking towards Camden’s best interests.
This firm consists of Mr. Kelly, Sr., and his five sons. Their main place of business is located at 142 and 144 N. Ninth street, Philadelphia, and they opened their first Camden branch in 1889 at 214 Market street, and removed to their present handsome and commodious quarters recently. A fine stock of Imported and Domestic Fabrics for Men’s Wear is always kept in stock, and the very best skilled labor is used in every department, from 80 to 100 people being employed by this house.
An industry which is almost an institution in Camden is the packing of fruits and vegetables, and preserves of various kinds, and the representative house in this line is that of Messrs. Joseph Campbell & Co., whose factory is located on Second Street. The firm was commenced by Mr. Campbell in 1876 on its present basis, he having however for several years previously been engaged in this business in Camden. The existing style of the firm was adopted in 1882.
The establishment is the largest of the kind in this section, and one of the largest in the country. The factory building is a substantial three-story brick structure, extending through from 2d to Front street, the number of employees being 100.
The line of production is very comprehensive, embracing broadly almost all the fruits and vegetables which can be preserved for household use. The chief specialties are the well-known “Beefsteak Tomatoes” and “Extra Fine French Peas,” which two articles have become standard goods. They are specially grown for this house, and the manufacture is carried through entirely by hand, thus securing a more perfect article and greatly avoiding breakage. The goods are canned cold and afterwards cooked in the cans, by which means all the delicate natural flavor is retained. The “French Peas” are canned exactly in the natural state, and are not colored, and none of the goods are carried over from season to season. The goods comprise tomatoes, jellies, preserves, fruit butters, peas, mince meat, etc, which are packed in tin, glass, wood and stone, the market embracing the whole United States. They have been frequently exhibited and have gained many diplomas, especially the one for Ketchup, secured at the “Pure Food Exposition” in 1888, which was the only one then given for this article.
The members of the firm are Mr. Joseph Campbell, Mr. Arthur Dorrance, and Mr. Walter S. Spackman, all of whom are leading business men.
Charles S. Caffrey Co., of Camden, N. J., the well-known carriage builders, was founded in 1853 by Mr. Charles S. Caffrey, president of the company, which was incorporated 1879 to increase the facilities required by the extension of the trade into-the several parts of Europe and South America, as well as every State in the Union.
This establishment is famous for light trotting traps, sulkies and skeleton wagons. The Caffrey wagon for road driving is sought after by all appreciating comfort and ease in speedy driving.
The coaches, broughams, victorias, rockaways, phaetons and carriages of every description for town and country use are of original and distinctive designs, substantial and light construction, sumptuous linings and elegant finish.
To produce this work requires skilled artisans of the highest order, and closest attention to the selecting and curing of materials. The Camden building comprises about six acres of floor space, in which are employed 150 hands, turning out from 500 to 600 vehicles annually. This, in conjunction with the warehouse and salesroom, at 1712-14 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, in a six-story building, 45 x 150 feet, where the repairing department is located, makes as complete a carriage building establishment of the size as any in the country. Every vehicle with the name of “Caffrey” upon it is built in its entirety from exclusive patterns of each part designed within the establishment.
This company was incorporated in Pennsylvania in 1867, to conduct the business of dredging rivers and harbors, and the filling in of low-lying land, and also for the building of all kinds of dredging machinery. The business is a most extensive one, and is carried on in all sections of the country, especially on the coast line from New York to Mobile.
The company is continually under contract for dredging, etc., with the U. S. Government, and for a vast number of corporations, as well as for private individuals. The company’s building and wharf at the foot of Spruce street, in Camden, is their main establishment and comprises several departments, such as machine-shop, blacksmith-shop, carpenter and painting shops, etc., where a large force is employed building and repairing the heavy machinery used. The works cover a space of about three acres, and about forty acres of the adjoining land is also the property of the company. The officers are: President, Mr. Isaac Albertson, and Secretary, Mr. Floyd H. White. The office is at 3d and Walnut streets, Philadelphia.
The firm of Messrs. Shimer & Boyer was established in Camden at its present location at Point and Pearl streets, in 1872, being in fact a continuation of the business originated by the senior member of the firm, Mr. George Shimer, at Shimerville, in Northampton County, Pennsylvania, near Bethlehem, in 1837, which was successfully continued by him there until his removal to this city in 1872.
The goods produced at Shimerville were woolen goods generally, including most of the usual varieties, but on removal to Camden the line of manufacture was confined exclusively to fancy and worsted woolen yarns, used for hosiery and for ornamental household goods, etc. The annual output amounts to 160,000 pounds of woolen, and 100,000 pounds of worsted spun yarn, which is sold to the jobbing trade in Philadelphia, and in many points in the Eastern and Western States.
The factory building is of the dimensions of 150 by 50 feet, and the machinery employed consists of two sets of 48-inch carding machines, and four mules, a force of 40 operatives being employed. The firm does not dye the yarn, but employs reliable dyers, from whom, after this process is completed, it is brought back to the mill, where it is packed and forwarded to the salesrooms and office in Philadelphia, at No. 9 Bank street, whence it is shipped to various parts of the country.
The members are Mr. George Shimer and Mr. P. F. Boyer, the latter gentleman attending to the shipping, Selling and financial department, while the senior member superintends the production at the factory. Both gentlemen stand in the front ranks in manufacturing and mercantile circles in Camden and Philadelphia.
7th Street and Kaighn Avenue
Among the industries most prominent at the present time in Camden is that of the manufacture of floor oil cloth, four factories being devoted to its production. Of these, the largest is that of the Farr & Bailey Manufacturing Company, situated at Seventh and Kaighn Avenue, on the line of the West Jersey Railroad Company.
The present extensive development of this business is the result of changes running back to 1875, when the business was carried on in a small way by Robert English & Brother. In that year the plant, consisting of four buildings, was purchased by Moses Bailey and Lincoln D. Farr, both of whom had previously engaged in the same business in the State of Maine, and the business carried on until 1883, under the name of L.D. Farr, Mr. Bailey being a silent partner.
In December of 1882 a disastrous fire occurred, destroying a large printing house and other buildings, and while engaged with the men and the Fire Department in checking the progress of the flames, Mr. Farr contracted a heavy and severe cold, resulting in his death a few weeks afterwards.
From January, 1883, until December, 1884, the business was carried on under the name of the estate of L.D. Farr, Mr. Samuel T. Bailey, who had been the New York representative for several years, and Mr. Edward L. Farr, son of the deceased, becoming managers. During these years the business had steadily increased, new buildings and other requisites being added to the plant as fast as needed.
In August, 1884, the business suffered from another disastrous fire, which destroyed two of the largest departments.
In December of 1884, the estate of L.D. Farr having been settled, the firm of Farr & Bailey succeeded to the business, the firm consisting of Samuel T. Bailey, Edward L. Farr, Hannah J. Bailey and Hannah B. Farr.
The present company, incorporated January 25, 1889, is the consolidation of those already interested with the exception of Hannah J. Bailey and George L. Bailey, the authorized capital of the company being $200,000.
The plant during the years mentioned has grown to large proportions, from four buildings used by English & Brother to over twenty in present use, occupying a tract of land 400 by 700 feet. Of these buildings seven are of brick and the remainder of wood. Six of the principal buildings vary between 40 to 50 feet wide by 130 to 150 feet long, being required in the process of coating, printing and varnishing. All necessary appliances have been introduced, until today the works are recognized as complete as any in the country.
To furnish the necessary power for driving the machinery and drying the goods, four large boilers, aggregating 300 horse power, and five engines, aggregating 125 horse power, are required, these consuming about i,800 tons of coal annually.
The hazardous nature of the business, owing to the combustible nature of the materials used, such as burlap, linseed oil, benzene, etc., necessitate the greatest care and watchfulness at all times. The buildings are kept scrupulously clean, each building being provided with a full equipment of ladders, fire axes, hose, water and sand buckets, and hand grenades. In addition, the men are organized into a fire company, with a hose carriage carrying 350 feet of hose always connected with a double plug in center of the grounds, supplied from a 4-inch main connected with the city pipe. This brigade is drilled every week, and has already rendered valuable aid in cases of fire occurring in proximity to the works.
When running normally, employment is given to about one hundred and forty men, the wages’ paid to the same aggregating $80,000 per year.
The general supervision of the business is under the care of Mr. Samuel T. Bailey, President of the Company, the purchases and finances being looked after by Mr. Edward L. Purr, Secretary and Treasurer; the office and book-keeping department being in charge of Mr. William M. Callinghan. Mr. George L. Bailey is General Superintendent, and Mr. Manly A. Gilbert is Superintendent of the printing department.
The production of floor oil cloth has been steadily increasing, the output forthe year 1888 being 1,800,000 square yards, or an average of 35,000 yards per week. All the business of the company is conducted at the main office in Camden. The goods are equal to any in the market, and are sold exclusively through jobbing houses east of the Rocky Mountains and in Canada.
Cooper’s Creek and Line Street
Among the oldest and most favorably known of Camden’s industries is the New Jersey Chemical Co., occupying three and one-half acres of ground on Cooper’s Creek and Line street.
Potts and Kletts, the founders of the industry, were pioneers in the manufacture of fertilizers in this country.
The manufacturing department is under the personal management of Mr. William K. Lafferty, of Cooper street, long and favorably known among Camden’s business men and citizens, and whose character for integrity is reflected in the quality of the goods produced.
The factory has a present capacity of 8000 tons, with facilities for indefinite extension. The business management of the company is under the direction of its president, Mr. Thomas B. Wattson, of the old Philadelphia shipping house of Thomas Wattson & Sons.
The office of the company is at 129 South Front street, Philadelphia.
Among its several other, notable manufacturing establishments, the city of Camden possesses the oldest, largest, and also the first successful steel pen manufactory in this country. The Esterbrook Steel Pen Factory was commenced in 1860 on the present site, by the President of the present Company, Mr. Richard Esterbrook, and his son, who came from England and at once started this industry. The original factory was but small, and produced but ten different kinds of pens, while today the company turn out some 400 varieties, which have a standard reputation, and are sold in nearly all portions of the civilized world, in European countries, especially Germany and England, and throughout the whole American continent. There are in the manufacture some 24 processes, from the cutting of the steel sheets into strips to the labeling and shipping of the boxes of finished pens.
The steel, properly annealed, is rolled into the proper thickness according to style required and then cut into shape by dies. The blanks are then annealed the second time, stamped with name, and then receive the right curves and form in screw-presses. The careful and delicate workmanship is then advanced a stage by hardening or tempering, after which the half-finished pen must be ground and the points adjusted for sharp, blunt, stub, etc., as also slit, all of which is done by special machinery. The pens are then examined and defective ones thrown out, the next step being the coloring in gray, silver, bronze, nickel and gold plating, and varnishing, and when this is completed they are ready for packing, labeling and shipping for their extended journeys to destination.
The factory building is a large four-story brick one, covering a large area of ground, and fitted in all its numerous departments with the most complete machinery, much of it being of special design. The majority of the hands employed are skilled artisans, who have been educated for years to their special tasks and are experts in them.
The main distributing center for the goods is at the office in John street, New York City. The principals of the company are: President, Mr. Richard Esterbrook, the original creator of the works; Treasurer, Mr. Alexander C. Wood, and Secretary, Mr. Francis Wood, the latter gentleman being resident in New York, while the two former are representative citizens of Camden.
7th Street and Jefferson Avenue
In the staple industry of manufacturing floor cloths, oil cloths, linoleums, etc., the city of Camden is supplied with several large factories, a prominent one being that of Messrs. J. C. Dunn, Jr., & Co., whose establishment is at Seventh street and Jefferson avenue. The business was commenced in March, 1882, with one building, to which large additions have been made from time to time, till now the factory numbers four separate structures, occupying about three acres of ground.
The several departments of the industry are fully equipped with the latest improved machinery, including the best appliances for sizing, coating, and finishing the cloth, and grinding and mixing the paints. The print building has a capacity of twenty-four tables, equal in product to over a million square yards of cloth per annum. The line of production includes everything in floor oil cloths, mats, etc., stair oil cloths and rugs being a specialty, and embraces all grades and widths, with an almost infinite variety of designs and colorings.
The Dunn oil cloths compare favorably with any in the market, being specially noted for their strong, honest, reliable character. The firm deal with jobbers only and sell their goods themselves. The bulk of their trade is done in the East, Philadelphia and New York being the chief points of shipment, although their goods are well-known throughout the South, and as far West as the Golden Gate.
About seventy men are employed in the different departments.
This establishment, which is a branch of the well-known Brooklyn house of the same name, was commenced in Camden in November, 1888. The Brooklyn house is one of long standing, having been started in 1870, and it is the only house, of any considerable extent, carrying on this special trade in this section. The line of business consists mainly in the handling of the bags and bagging used by the sugar trade, which, after having been used for the transport of sugar from Cuba, Demerara, and other places, are washed and sold by the sugar importers to Mr. Young.
After reaching his factory, they go through several processes to fit them for after-service. They must be exposed to the air like washed clothes, then dried by Steam, for which specially constructed machinery is used, and finally repaired and mended. They are then ready for the many purposes for which they are subsequently used, such as for holding potatoes, for packing ballast on shipboard, baling cotton, for dyewoods, and other uses where bags are required. Some have been used in the shipment of grain.
The business is a very extensive one, as may be seen from the fact that Mr. Young uses six millions of these bags or sacks annually. A very considerable trade is also carried on in paper stock for the use of paper manufacturers, jute, hemp-waste, etc.
The factory in Camden occupies the very large area of 180 x 450 feet, and extends through from Delaware avenue to Front street. Mr. Young also has a factory on Swanson street, Philadelphia, consisting of a large four-story brick building, of the size of 100 x 140 feet, used for the steam-drying. The premises occupied in Brooklyn are on an equally extended scale, occupying an area of nearly four acres, adjoining Wallabout Market, and consists of the main office, in Washington avenue, a large and fully equipped brick building, and a branch in Rodney street, Williamsburg. A large capital is employed, and between 200 and 300 hands are constantly engaged. Among the many busy factories of Camden this special industry makes a most noteworthy feature.
Perhaps none of the firms connected with the various ship-yards and marine railways at Cooper’s Point are better or more favorably know to the maritime community than Messrs. Morris & Mathis, whose yards are among the largest and best equipped in this line. The property has a frontage on the river of about 1,500 feet, and the facilities are of the best, comprising all the necessary plant and conveniences for both building and repairing all classes of wooden vessels, as well as a fully equipped marine railway, capable of hauling out any sailing vessel arriving at the port of Philadelphia.
The firm commenced business in 1876, and have conducted a most successful trade down to the present time, especially in the department of repairing, which is a most important branch of the business.
The members of the firm are Messrs. Joseph I. Morris and John S. Mathis, both of whom are practical ship-builders, and stand high in the maritime community. They are no less business men of vim and ability, and are influential Camden citizens.
In the important department of heavy timber for ships’ spars and masts, for wharf building, and for all constructive work requiring massive girders, etc., the establishment of Mr. David Baird is one of the most prominent in Camden. Mr. Baird has been connected with this line of business for the past 30 years, and is therefore thoroughly practised and experienced in all its details.
In 1873 he commenced the present firm, dealing in spars, heavy logs and timber, and piling, and now carries a stock which is the heaviest of this kind in the United States, and which is divided between the three cities, New York, Boston and Philadelphia. The yards and log-pens are located at Point and Pearl streets, having a large river frontage, and all the necessary conveniences, and the trade is one which may be said practically to extend to all parts of the country, the chief markets being New York City, New London, Boston, Mystic Bridge, Portland, Maine; Gloucester, Mass., and the East generally.
The spars, which vary in length from 30 to 100 feet, and from 6 to 40 inches in diameter, are either floated in rafts or brought by vessels from the lumber districts of Pennsylvania, Nova Scotia, New York State, Michigan and California, and are secured in the log-pens until needed. Some are sold in the rough, and others dressed and finished for their destined purpose, the majority being made into spars of various dimensions for shipping. The business is a heavy one in all its details, employs very large capital and much labor, both skilled and unskilled, and is almost entirely wholesale. It is an essentially water-side and maritime industry, and one for which the city of Camden, with its fine river frontage, is particularly well adapted.
In addition to his business in spars, Mr. Baird is also a considerable owner of vessel property, either owning entirely, or in part, a large number of sailing vessels and several tug-boats. He is an influential citizen of Camden, known and respected highly in all circles, especially in political life. He has held most of the prominent public municipal offices, and now sustains the responsible duty of Sheriff of Camden City and County.
The City of Camden is distinguished by the possession of many noteworthy factories, but probably no one of them is more worthy of special mention than that of Messrs. Loeb & Schoenfeld, manufacturers of embroideries and laces, whose works are located at the corner of Front and Pearl streets. This establishment — which enjoys the distinction of being the only one of the kind in the United States — is a branch of the large house of the same name, which has been conducted by the firm for the last twenty years at Rorschach, near the Lake of Constance, in Switzerland.
The productions of the firm consist of white Swiss embroideries for ladies’ and children’s dress goods, and laces and Oriental dress embroideries. These goods, which have acquired a standard reputation throughout both Europe and America, are imported into this country through the American branch, which has salesrooms and offices in New York at 86-88 Franklin street, and in Philadelphia at the Continental Hotel.
The American factory of the house in Camden manufactures American dress embroideries in the French styles, for which a most extensive trade has been secured in all parts of the country. The Camden factory was established in 1882, and uses only its own specially-constructed machines, built from the private designs of the firm. Fifteen of these machines are in use, and the number of operatives engaged is fifty.
The parent house at Rorschach is once whose size and importance are noteworthy. The factory building, which stands in a handsome lot of 36 acres, is a structure of the dimensions of 300 feet by 100 feet, one wing being four stories and the other three. It is thoroughly equipped with all the necessary power and appliances, and 145 embroidering machines are constantly running, the number of employees engaged in the building being 600, while about 2,000 are employed in piece-work outside.
The vast quantities of goods produced by this army of work-people are shipped to every part of Europe and America. The house makes the cotton yarn that is used, and dyes and finishes the goods themselves.
The individual members of this large and enterprising firm are: Messrs. Max and David Schoenfeld and Ferdinand L., and Louis M. Loeb, all of whom are men of business and manufacturers of the first rank.
513, 515 and 517 CHERRY STREET
A thoroughly representative and deservedly prosperous enterprise among the many engaged in the lumber and millwork industry in Camden is the firm of Messrs. W. H. Wilkins & Co., whose mill is located at Nos. 513, 515 and 517 Cherry street. The firm is an old-established house in this line, though comparatively new in this city, to which they removed from Pennsylvania in 1885. The members of the firm are Mr. William H. Wilkins, and his son, Mr. Frederick W. Wilkins, the family being from the lumber district of Pennsylvania, in the neighborhood of Williamsport and the Susquehanna.
The mill premises comprise two buildings, one on each side of the street, of 50 by 100 feet, and 40 by 50 feet respectively, and both two stories high, the hands employed numbering about 45. All the general improved machinery, of the latest pattern, with much specially constructed for this house, is 10 be found here, together with all other necessary appliances, the line of production embracing doors, sashes, blinds, mouldings, brackets, scroll-sawing, stair-work in all its branches, etc.; with an important specialty in window frames and inside blinds which class of work alone, provides constant employment for some 20 men. A full stock of lumber, averaging about 70,000 feet, is constantly carried, as well as a supply of ready-made mill work, of the class most in demand, of the value of about $12,000.
A new feature in this trade, introduced by Messrs. Wilkins & Co., is the Florida moulding, for finishing, which, while fully equal in appearance and durability to the usual mouldings, is only one-half the expense. It has been well received by the trade, and is turned out in large quantities.
The house in an enterprising one, and the trade already large is continually on the increase, extending beyond the local connections, to Philadelphia and to most of the adjacent points. During the current-year the house has supplied the mill-work for between 300 and 400 houses in addition to the general business, a reliable earnest of still more extended operations in the near future.
The house is one of the flourishing mills in this city, and both the partners are business men of practical knowledge and push, and enjoy the esteem of a large circle.
One of the chief elements in the material growth and progress of a community is the banking interest, and in this department of business, Camden boasts of several vigorous corporations, one of the most important being the Camden National Bank, located at Second street and Kaighn avenue. It was incorporated as a national bank in 1885, in order to provide for the needs of the merchants of South Camden, and though so young an institution, it is a remarkably successful one and from the date of its commencement, has enjoyed a large and liberal patronage including all the leading business houses of that enterprising and growing section of the city. It is a strong and reliable institution, holding a prominent place in, and exerting an active influence upon, the financial condition of the city. The capital is $100,000, and the surplus already reaches $25,000, and the dividends are six per cent, per annum. Since the organization of the bank, a handsome, modern new banking-house has been erected, into which the business was removed in 1888, and which is a prominent and elegant feature of Kaighn avenue. There are safe deposit boxes to rent in burglar proof vaults, while an element of saving fund banking is added by receiving small deposits from working people, subject to withdrawal on two week’s notice, and allowing interest thereon.
The main business is a general banking one, including loans, deposits, anc discounts, collections being made on all chief cities of the United States through correspondents, and the volume of business has been from the start, and still is, a growing one, as is shown by the last statement, recently issued, which gives total resources amounting to more than $805,000. The officers are: President, Mr. Zophar C. Howell; vice-president, Mr. John Cooper; and cashier, Mr. J.C. Martindale. The directorate is composed of prominent gentlemen of substantial position. They are Messrs. H. B. Wilson, William B. Mulford, C. B. Coles, P. H. Fowler, James Davis, C. E. Thomas, Isaac C. Toone, H. B. Anthony, G. W. Bailey, Howard M. Cooper, G. T. Haines, Z.L. Howell, H. C. Felton, R. W. Birdsell and D.S. Risley. The bank also has an office at Second and Walnut streets, Philadelphia.
The lumber industry is one which is specially well represented in Camden, and among the many large firms engaged in this most essential and staple branch of trade, the house of Messrs. Smith & Pfeiffer stands in the first rank in all respects.
The firm was started in January, 1889, and they are the successors to the lumber department of the old-established house of Messrs. George Pfeiffer & Son, so long and favorably known in the commercial circles of this city, which latter firm now confines their operations exclusively to the branch of coal, brick and stone. The premises of the two firms adjoin each other, occupying a large space of ground between Federal street on the southern side, the Pennsylvania Railroad and Cooper’s Creek.
The lumber yard of Smith & Pfeiffer is of the extent of 300 feet by 200, with ample shedding for keeping the lumber under cover, and is at all times kept fully stocked with a supply of dressed and undressed lumber, averaging between three and four million feet. All the usual sorts of building lumber are kept on hand, such as flooring, fencing, sidings, planks, joists, wainscoting, etc., with many special kinds, and also a general stock of mill work — mouldings, doors, sash, brackets, etc. —in short, all the material of this character usually found in first-class establishments, the splendid facilities of the firm and their perfect knowledge of the trade, enabling them to offer customers lowest prices, and superior inducements They carry all classes of woods, both hard and soft, but the specialties are hemlock and white and yellow pine. The conveniences for shipment and handling goods are unsurpassed — the wharf on Cooper’s Creels providing for water transportation, and the railroad side-tracks for that by rail.
The members of the firm are Mr. Richard F. Smith and Mr. George Pfeiffer, Jr., the latter being also the present proprietor of the business of George Pfeiffer & Son, the trade of which is of the same complete and extensive character in its department as that of lumber in its line. Their products are coal, hard brick, as as well as that known as “salmon” and “stretchers,” and foundation stone, in all of which they are the representative establishment in this city, conducting a business probably unsurpassed in this section.
Both Mr. Smith and Mr. Pfeiffer are prominent citizens of Camden, and business men of high ability and enterprise. They have also held prominent political positions — Mr. Pfeiffer now being State Senator, while Mr. Smith has held the offices of City Treasurer and Sheriff of Camden.
One of the most standard businesses in Camden is that of Mr. Henry Fredericks, the well-known dealer in building materials, of 133 to 137 Federal street. The establishment is one of the oldest in the city, and was commenced at Fourth and Federal streets, afterwards at Third and Federal, and finally, in 1864, was transferred to the present building, where it has now been for a quarter of a century.
The line of production includes everything necessary for building, such as Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, and all other planing-mill work, and also all the numerous details of building, housekeeping, and general hardware. The stock carried is of immense extent, and in its line of trade the house is the largest in this part of the State. The business is both wholesale and retail, and has extensive connections through the South, from Florida upwards, and also in Pennsylvania, Delaware and Maryland.
Two large adjoining warehouses are occupied, the second having been erected in 1884. About twenty hands are employed.
Mr. Henry Fredericks is one of the most prominent citizens of Camden. He is a leading merchant, and has also held the offices of Tax Collector for the Middle Ward in 1856, and in 1870 was Sheriff of Camden. He is a director of the First National Bank, and a member of Council for State Charities and Corrections. He is most ably assisted by his eldest son, Mr. William H. Fredericks, as Manager. This gentleman is active and enterprising in business, and very popular, worthily sustaining the family record.
The neighborhood of Cooper’s Point has long been devoted to the ship-building industry and the various branches of work connected therewith, but there is good reason to believe that greater progress and development of this industry will be seen here within the next few years, than has ever yet occurred. One of the places where great advances have of late been made, and are still under way, is that of Mr. Mills’s large ship-building yard, and marine railway, which latter is the largest and most powerful piece of machinery of this class in the United States.
The carriage or platform on which the vessels rest, and on which they are drawn from the water, runs on double parallel tracks, and is hauled up by an immense chain, over 700 feet in length, each link of which weighs 43¾ pounds. It is operated by an engine of 50-horse power, which sets in motion several powerful, geared wheels, which, by repeated multiplication of power, generate force sufficient to raise a vessel of 2500 tons or more. The railway is also of such length as to be capable of accommodating two vessels at a time, if necessary.
In addition to the railway, there are here also all the appliances of a fully equipped ship-building yard, with everything necessary for constructing all classes of shipping, and a saw-mill is in course of construction, by which the facilities of the establishment will be still further augmented. A schooner of 600 tons is now on the stocks at this yard for Captain Davidson, of Camden. Mr. John Mills, the proprietor of the enterprising establishment, is an experienced ship-builder, having been engaged in it almost a lifetime, and the success which his skill and ability have thus far secured is beyond a doubt only a prelude to still greater advance in the near future. In the certain progress of the shipbuilding interest yet to be witnessed in this section, this yard must necessarily take a prominent position. A second railway is being added to the facilities of the establishment, which will haul vessels of 1,000 or 1,200 tons.
214 and 216 MARKET STREET
Undoubtedly the largest concern in Camden in this particular line of business is that of the gentleman named above. This business was established many years ago by the present owner’s father, Mr. J. F. Chew. In 1881 the son succeeded him, and by his shrewdness, enterprise and energy devoted to the business, made such a signal success that he found his old store, No. 216, entirely too small and inadequate for this largely increased trade. He has accordingly built a mammoth establishment, four stories high, 20 x 125 feet in dimensions, that is stocked from roof to cellar with a magnificent line of Dry Goods, Notions, etc.
The building has one of the handsomest and imposing fronts in the city, and is certainly a credit to the neighborhood. The old store is 20 x 80 feet in area, and it too is filled to repletion with a large and well selected stock.
Mr. Chew is well worthy the success he has achieved, being a wide awake business man, always anxious to benefit his trade in every possible channel. The name used for his stores, Bee Hive, is well chosen, for no more activity is displayed anywhere; the assistants vieing with proprietor in personal endeavors to maintain the business as the leading one of the city.
During the gloomy days of the civil war Mr. Chew was patriotic and loyal to the core, then though but a boy thirteen years of age, it was his ardent desire to enlist in the army, but his extreme youth and shortness of stature was an insuperable obsticle and he accordingly was unsuccessful. Nothing daunted by this disappointment; he ran away from home and boarded a train that was taking soldiers to the front. He neither knew nor cared for its exact destination just so it took him where by some means he could get into actual service. He finally found himself in Washington, and there met quite a number of Camden young men whom he enlisted in his endeavor. His joy and satisfaction was great when Captain King, of Company G, took him as water carrier at $8.00 per month. His parents were greatly agitated over his sudden departure and after considerable search ascertained his whereabouts. They wrote to the Captain telling him if he found the boy at all incorrigible to immediately send him home. That such could not have been the case is shown in the fact that he served his country during and throughout Grant’s entire campaign in the Peninsula, and Sheridan’s through the Valley. Many a poor soldier had reason to thank this boy for the cooling draught of water that quenched his parched throat and many instances probably saved his life. This boy’s services were constantly in demand, and many a stretcher on which was a wounded soldier has he helped to carry from the scene of carnage to the rear, where more safety was to be found. One of these grateful soldiers was Captain Damson of Company G, who was shot and terribly wounded by a sharpshooter, and who claims to this day, that had it not been for Mr. Chew he would have undoubtedly lost his life. The gentleman is now a prosperous orange grower in Florida, but frequently visits the North and never without coming to Camden to see his old friend. He never wearies telling of his thrilling experience, or the prominent part the subject of our sketch had to do with it.
Mr. Chew is a prominent member of several secret organizations, and is highly respected by all who know him or have had dealings with him.

The timber and lumber business is a leading industry in Camden, and one of the most prominent of the firms engaged in it is that of Messrs. George Barrett & Co., whose large planing-mill and lumber yards are located at Pearl street wharf. The firm have been carrying on the business here for about twelve years, succeeding to Messrs. Barrett, Garrison & Co., who were preceded in the business by S. B. Garrison, and Bingham & Garrison.
The line of trade includes all the usual details of the timber and lumber business, with steam saw and planing-mill work, and especially the manufacture of white pine, yellow pine, spruce, and Oregon spars, for ships’ masts and spars, wharf and railroad timber, telegraph poles, heavy building girders, and the like. This heavy timber is floated down from the points of production in large rafts, the immense logs averaging from fifty to one hundred feet in length, and are finally secured in the large water-space adjoining the firm’s wharf, known as the log-pen. Here the great spars are kept chained to rows of piling until taken to the sawmill. The heavy yellow pine logs come mostly from Florida, and the South, the spruce spars from Bangor and other points in Maine, while large quantities of lumber and timber, especially of the Susquehanna oak, are also floated down the Susquehanna River from Clearfield county, Pennsylvania, where the firm own considerable tracts of forest property. From this section, chiefly Williamsport, and from Michigan, also come the lighter grades of general building lumber, white pine, hemlock, etc. An important specialty of the firm’s business is the trade in Hackmatack ship knees, from Maine and Novia Scotia, for ship-building, and they also saw curved lumber for street railways, in which they are the only dealers in Camden.
The yards and wharf of the firm comprise in all a space of seventeen acres, and include the large steam saw and planing-mill, a building of 180 feet in depth, and 80 feet wide, in which is the special powerful machinery for cutting and planing the logs, the wharf, of 1000 feet in length, and 70 feet in width, where the lumber is landed from vessels, the log-pens, and the lumber and spar yards. The value of stock usually carried is about $100,000. The number of hands employed is about fifty.
The individual members of the firm are Mr. George Barrett, who resides in Camden, and Mr. A. W. Patchin, who superintends the business in Clearfield county. Both gentlemen are trained experts in all that pertains to this trade, as well as able men of affairs. Mr. Barrett is a prominent citizen of Camden, socially, politically, and commercially.
There is scarcely a more familiar name than that of Mr. S.B. Goff the patent medicine man. The business done is one of the largest and best in the State. It was originally started by the present proprietor about 18 years ago in a much smaller way, and as business grew larger quarters were necessary, and the present large and commodious ones were secured. The building has an area of 60 x 100 feet, and is four stories high, the whole magnificent structure being occupied.
Among the many specialties turned out by the firm are the following: Indian Vegetable Cough Syrup, Great Dyspepsia Panacea, Magic Oil Liniment, Herb Bitters, Condition Powders, and Rheumatism Cure. These have all been on the market many years and are known to be just what is claimed for them.
Mr. Goff has thousands of testimonials from prominent people, who say that the medicine cured them. We can only find space for the following three:
Spottswood, N.J.,
June 6, 1889Mr. S. B. Goff. Dear Sir: — Your Liniment is surely magic. I have made cures where doctors have attended for one week, at a cost of eight or ten dollars, by only one application of your Magic Oil. And other cases which the doctors said could never be cured, have been brought around by the patients taking it according to the directions. It seems wonderful. I would have it if I had to pay five dollars a bottle for it.
Yours Truly,
William Skinner, Camden, N.J.
May 13, 1890
S. B. Goff.Esteemed Friend: — Permit me to thank you for calling my attention to the virtues of your Cough Syrup. That cough that troubled me so was the worst I ever had, and nothing seemed to give me much relief until I got that sample bottle of yours, and that eased me so much that I soon sent the boy for a large bottle and it has worked like a charm. Well, you know how choked up I was on Monday night, and you heard me speak on Sunday afternoon for half an hour, and I feel like a new man. I don’t want you to think I am getting into the the testimonial business, but I can’t help saying “thank you” for the relief received.
Sincerely Yours,
Charges Bowden, Inspector Esterbrook Steel Pen Works.
Spring Valley, N. Y.,
May 1, 1890.Mr. S. B. Goff.
Dear Sir :—I wish to give my testimony in behalf of your Herb Bitters. I have been troubled eighteen years with indigestion and costiveness, and I have taken almost all the known remedies, and last December I was induced to try your Herb Bitters, and I find no other medicine in eighteen years that had the effect your Herb Bitters have. So I would recommend all my fellow sufferers to give it a fair trial. My stomach has been so weak that it would not retain a glass of water, and as a bowel regulator it has no equal. You may publish this if you wish.Respectfully yours,
John D. Van Buskirk.
Ten capable and skillful people are employed, and four teams are constantly kept on the road taking orders from the merchants of ten surrounding States. The business was originally started at Cape May City, N. J. Moved from there to East Creek, later from there to Belle Plains Station, and finally from there to this city.
The accompanying engraving shows Mr. Goff’s, residence as well as his business establishment. Not to mislead any one we may say right here that the residence is on the corner of Bridge avenue and Broadway while the building which is here described is on the corner of Second street and Bridge avenue. The factory is on the site of the old Weatherby Hotel, a landmark which our oldest resident no doubt will remember.
We can not close this too brief review without expressing a confident belief that the many specialties manufactured here will, in the future, obtain in consequence of their intrinsic merits an even wider popularity than in the past.
The Stockton Paper Mills, a handsome engraving of which appears in this work, will be more amply described in subsequent editions. The articles now being held for revision, as is also the articles and illustrations of Jacob Neutze’s Central Stove Works, and W. Beale, M. D.

56 N. 2nd STREET
One of the oldest and most favorably known livery stables is that of Mr. Jos Franklin. The house has for many years been known as one in which a first class rig can be obtained. The business was established by the present proprietor about two decades ago, and has been progressing since the opening.
The stable covers a plot of ground 60 x 80 feet in dimensions, and the building is one of the finest in the city devoted to the use of horses.
Mr. Franklin owns about thirty head of the finest stock in Camden. Some are handy for cab work, while others are lighter for the finer uses. He also has thirty light wagons and four handsome cabs, that are ever in demand.
The stable, on the whole, is one of the largest in the city and one that Camden may be proud to be the possessor of such an institution.
Mr. Franklin is a native of Hainesport, but has been a lifelong resident of the city. He is a prominent member of several secret societies in the city.
BY all odds the best and most favorably known establishment of this character in this county the store of Mr. Stratton stands at the head. This business was originally opened about ten years ago, and has from the inception been most successful.
An ample storeroom is used. It is finished in the most neat and attractive style.
Mr. Stratton is the agent in this section for the Estey Organs, the acknowledged leader. These are manufactured in Brattleboro, Vermont. They are gotten up in the best manner. The design of the cases is entirely original, neat and tasty. They are possessed with a full and truly organ-like tone.
All kinds of Musical Instruments are also kept, including equipments for string and brass bands.
Music is furnished for balls and parties at the shortest notice. A store has been opened in Bridgeton, at No. 26 Laurel street.
Mr. Stratton is a native of Mullica Hill, this county. He is very extensively known and an energetic and active business man. He is also agent for Gloucester county, Salem and Cumberland counties, for the celebrated Dyer & Hughes Organ, an instrument that is attaining widespread popularity.
The pioneer in the fine clothing trade in this section is Mr. Watson. This gentleman came here about one year ago, with the idea that a business of this character would pay here, and thus far he has received every assurance of success.
The store occupied is about 20 x 75 feet in dimensions, and is fitted in the neatest and most convenient manner.
A very heavy stock is carried, comprising all kinds of Men’s Wear, Hats, Caps, Neckwear, Hosiery and Underwear, and Clothing. In every department the stock is most complete.
Particular attention is paid to Youths’ and Boys’ Clothing.
Mr. Watson is a native of Philadelphia. He is thoroughly acquainted with this line and fully alive to the demands of the trade. He was formerly manager for Messrs. Goodman Bros., at 13th and Ridge avenue, Philadelphia. He enjoys the closest relations with the manufacturers, and is thus enabled to get his goods at the lowest market prices.
In addition to the foregoing there are the following:
- Henry Bott, 630 N. Front street, Barber.
- S. Flood, 622 N. Front Street, Meats.
- E. P. Townsend, Front and Penn Streets, Drugs.
- Pacific Laundry, 312 N. Front Street
- Mrs. Sarah Atkinson, 810 S. 5th Street, Cigars.
- S. S. Todd, 6:8 S. 5th Street, Grocer.
- J. F. Baker, 5th and Spruce Streets, Trimmings & Notions.
- J. B. Blumenthal, 509 N. 5th Street, Cigars and Tobacco.
- Richard S. Justice, 5th and Elm Streets, Druggist.
- H. B. Norman, 5th and Barley Streets, Grocer.
- E. J. Ross, 510 N. 5th Street, Barber.
- George Watson, 806 S. 5th Street, Oysters.
- J. H. Sauer, 517 S. 5th Street, Confectionery.
- Thomas McCarrick, 5th and Elm Streets, Shoes.
- J. T. Griffee, 1129 Broadway, Wall Papers.
- George Leathwhite, 908 Broadway, Plumber.
- William Bovell, 1126 Broadway, Shoe Manufacturing
- C. H. Green, 1116 Broadway, Patent Medicines.
- H. G. Burrichter, 1727 Broadway, Hay and Feed.
- C. L. Wadner, Broadway and Division Streets, Grocer.
- Horner & Son, Broadway and Stevens Streets, Grocers.
- Mrs. H. E. Harbison,426 Broadway, Trimmings & Notions.
- T. J. Gifford, Broadway and Berkley Streets, Grocers.
- John Ernst, 618 Broadway, Bakery.
- William S. Ottinger, 911 Broadway, Paper Hanger.
- L. F. Folz, 1024 Broadway, Barber.
- Joseph Smith, 1144 Broadway, Cigars.
- James Welsh, 1813 Broadway, Butter and Eggs.
- J. H, Smith & Co., 810 Broadway, Wholesale Liquors.
- W. L. Goldsmith, 1111 Broadway, Coal and Wood.
- F. Brooks, Broadway and Clinton, leather & Findings.
- Armea Morrisey, Broadway and Division Streets, Notions.
- M. Davis, Broadway and Spruce Streets, Drugs.
- R. F. Williams, 801 Broadway, Baby Carriages.
- C. I,. Pelouze Jr., Kaighn’s ave. and Broadway, Grocer.
- Louis Shermer, 1903 Broadway, Cigars.
- Shutts & Dreisbach, 140 Broadway, Confectionery.
- George W. Swaney, 111 Broadway, Grocer.
- W. H Young, 1148 Broadway, China and Glass.
- William H. Stephany, 102 Broadway, Milk.
- J. W. Donges, M. D., 1801 Broadway, Druggist.
- Isaac Ferris, Jr., 1548 Broadway, Shoe Manufacturing
- Fred Smith, 829 Broadway, Shoemaker.
- V. Kessling, 941 Broadway, Merchant Tailor.
- C. F. Danley, 1807 Broadway, Barber.
- Kifferly Morocco Manufacturing Co., Broadway.
- T. B. Wood, 1705 Broadway, Cigars.
- William Hage, 327 Arch Street, Bell Hangers.
- Boardman & Murphy, 223 Arch Street, Painters.
- A. Weber, 4th and Arch Streets, Barber.
- M.F. Ivins & Co., 325 Arch Street, Painters.
- Emil Mutscher, 324 Arch Street, Barber.
- P. Kadel, 221 Arch Street, Bootmaker.
- L. H. Street, 3rd and Pearl Street, Druggist
- M. Herbst, 123 Kaighn’s Avenue, Clothing.
- J. L. Williams, Jr., 134 Kaighn’s Avenue, Oysters.
- Moses Gour, 249 Kaighn’s Avenue, Boots and Shoes.
- James Hoe, 220 Kaighn’s Avenue, Meats.
- Mrs. F. Conklin, 115 Kaighn’s Avenue, Dry Goods.
- George H. Risley, Kaighn’s Avenue, Cigars.
- George Belz, 247 Kaighn’s Avenue, Bakery.
- Burnett Betts, Kaighn’s Avenue, Bottler.
- M. E. Greenhouse, 338 Kaighn’s Avenue, Installment House.
- T. Boyle, 257 Kaighn’s Avenue, Credit House.
- C. B. Van Name, 127 Kaighn’s Avenue, Grocer.
- Philadelphia Shoe House, 308 Kaighn Avenue
- P. Dankelman, 117 Kaighn’s Avenue, Grocer.
- Camden Pants Co., 265 Kaighn’s Avenue
- Mrs. H. R. Varney, 421 Kaighn’s Avenue, Dry Goods.
- H. B. Wilson, Front and Kaighn’s Avenue, Coal and Wood.
- A. H. Davis, M. D., 3rd and Kaighn’s Avenue, Druggist.
- J. E. Hewitt, 415 Kaighn’s Avenue, Confectionery.
- W. H. Forbes, 449 Kaighn’s Avenue, Men’s Furnishing.
- Thomas Cowgill, 233 Kaighn’s Avenue, Patent Medicine.
- R. Wilkinson, 251 Kaighn’s Avenue, Candy
- G. H. Dowrick, 112 Kaighn’s Avenue, Wheelwright
- Thomas Devine, 306 Kaighn’s Avenue, China.
- The Avenue Meat Market, 124 Kaighn’s Avenue
- Carl Peters, 116 Kaighn’s Avenue, Furniture.
- G. Lipschultz, 245 Kaighn’s Avenue, Millinery.
- S. K. Hives, 312 Kaighn’s Avenue, Butcher.
- Storm Bros., 127 Kaighn’s Avenue, Hardware.
- R. J. Boyle, 326 Kaighn’s Avenue, Installment House
- Charles Read, 434 Kaighn’s Avenue, Grocer.
- M. E. Francis, 324 Kaighn’s Avenue, Dry Goods.
- E. J. Dougherty, 442 Kaighn’s Avenue, Jewelry.
- G. W. Gardner, 6th and Pearl sts., Cigars.
- Richard Stephenson, 6th and Market Streets, Druggist.
- W. Campbell, 6th and Main Streets, Grocer.
- Michael Boyle, 6th and Jefferson Streets, Cigars.
- J. Ferguson, 530 N. 6th Streets, Grocer.
- H. W. Whitwell, 6th and Royden Streets, Druggist.
- S. H. Williams, 6th and Spruce Streets, Grocer.
- William Mochett, 6th and Washington Streets, Dry Goods.
- M. H. Mapes, 800 S. 6th Street, Flour.
- Michaels & Cory, 6th and Berkley Streets, Dry Goods.
- J. C. Seal, 6th and Elm Streets, Grocer.
- W. S. Deninger, 6th and Berkley Streets, Drugs.
- J. H. Kraut, 6th and Washington Streets, Grocer.
- Charles Rittmoyer, 6th and Washington Streets, Meats.
- Keystone Chemical Works, Jefferson Street
- I. Stiles, 5th and Stevens Streets, Grocer.
- M. Osmond, 5th and Pine Streets, Drugs.
- J. N. Bennett, 5th and Benson Streets, Drugs.
- William Homan, 438 South 5th Street, Boots & Shoes.
- H. Yuengling, 326 Federal Streets, Boots and Shoes.
- F. L. Dickinson, Delaware and Wood Streets, Flour & Feed.
- G. H. Howard, 101 Kaighn’s Avenue, Cigars.
- B. H. Boulton, 450 Kaighn’s Avenue, Boots and Shoes.
- M. E. Wilson, 453 Kaighn’s Avenue, Cigars.
- Charles Creger, 113 Kaighn’s Avenue, Cigars and Tobacco.
- W. Hail, 305 Federal Street, Meats.
- C. Caldwell, 306 Arch Street, Notions.
- P. C. Verga, 11 Market Street, liquors.
- Esterbrook Pen Co., Cooper Street
- Phillips’ Studios, 304 Market Street
- W. R. Rogers, 3 South 2nd Street, Restaurant.
- E. Senseman, 510 Market Street, Printer.
- George Smith, 303 Kaighn’s Avenue, Cigars.
- W. H. Hazele & Son, 504 Market Street, Meats.
- B. F. Sutton, 412 Federal Street, Jeweler.
- Joseph Etto, 109 Kaighn’s Avenue, Clothing.
- S. Andrews, 504 Federal Street, China.
- Charles Goudaling, 242 Kaighn’s Avenue, Boots and Shoes.
- W. W. Hollis, 429 Kaighn’s Avenue, Candy.
- Mrs. Ritter, 510 Federal Street, Umbrellas.
- J. C. Dunn, Jr., & Co., 7th and Jefferson Streets, Oil Cloths
- A. Priestley & Co., 6th and Jefferson Streets, Suitings.
- Smith & Pfieffer, Cooper’s Creek, Lumber Yard.
- C. S. Caffrey & Co. 10th and Market Streets, Carriage Builder
- Paul H. White, Broadway and Bukley Streets, Meats.
- Jasper Burnstine, 137 Kaighn’s Avenue, Installment House.
- Morris & Mathis, Cooper’s Point, Ship Yard.
- W. Chester, 125 Main Street, Lamps, etc.
- S. Chew, Front and Market Streets, Printer.
- Mrs. M. Cook, 3rd and Elm Streets, Notions
- Hussong & Co., 609 Pearl Street, Dyers.
- C. Kinters, 2n and Federal Streets, 5 and 10 cent store.
- D. F. Wheatman, 1013 Newton Avenue, Plumber.
- John Neeff, 509 Benson Street, Tinware.
- William S. Bovell, 1700 Fillmore Street, Grocer.
- Carl E. Trebing, 430 Main Street, Boots and Shoes.
- M. S. Ervin, 428 Federal Street, Grocer,
- L. B. Hirst, 592 Federal Street, Drugs.
- T. Murphy, 522 Federal Street, Dry Goods
- J. Cherry, 550 Federal Street, Oysters.
- E. Schneider, 4th and Federal Streets, Baker.
- S. W. Holland, 528 Federal Street, Sewing Machines.
- F. T. Tobey, 530 Federal Street, Sewing Machines.
- J. H. Cox, 800 Federal Street, Meats.
- L. B. Jackson, 94 Federal Street, Installment House.
- Louis Kissel, 410 Federal Street, Barber.
- W. L. Hartman, 216 Federal Street, Fruits.
- J. S. Simmons, 207 Federal Street, Clothing.
- H. Ross, 632 Federal Street, Grocer.
- Mary B. Bowden, 338 Federal Street, Millinery.
- James L. Harris, 21st and Federal Streets, Horse Shoer.
- William T. Weiss, 23rd and Federal Streets, Cigars.
- Lewis Clark, 413 Federal Street, Wall Papers.
- Miss McKee, 536 Federal Street, Notions.
- Marshall & Stone, 127 Federal Street, Lime and Cement.
- Charles Brown, 512 Federal Street, Grocer.
- Sharpless & Bro., Cooper’s Creek, Feed.
- William Stein, 309 Federal Street, Gunsmith.
- Hunt’s Studios, 321 Federal Street
- William B. Tyler, 139 Federal Street, Meats.
- Albert Hitz, 2001 Federal Street, Grocer.
- D. McNeill, 2ist and Federal Street, Dry Goods.
- R. R. Miller, 112 Federal Street, Insurance.
- Graw, Garregues & Graw, 181 Federal Street, Printers.
- G. D. Vansciver, 124 Federal Street, China.
- Jacob Moyer, 2ist and Federal Streets, Barber.
- W. P. Irving, 2ist and Federal Street, Meats.
- George P. Stephany, 340 Federal Street, Cigars.
- F. W. Fuller, 217 Federal Street, Jeweler.
- R. Shill, 526 Federal Street, House Furnishings.
- J. Goehringer, 2ist and Federal Street, Horse Shoer.
- W. F. Vanderslice, 505 Federal Street, Grocer.
- William Barber, 223 Federal Street, Hardware.
- J. H. Haines, 203 Federal Street, Grocer.
- H. W. Test, 2d and Federal Street, Drugs.
- G. W. Husted, 512 Federal Street, Dyers.
- J. C. Burns, 23 Federal Street, Blacksmith.
- Mrs. J. H. Wells, 2004 Federal Street, Grocer.
- Seeds & Co., 234 Federal Street, Hats.
- Hyde & Co., 108 Federal Street, Auction House.
- Elwyn D. Steen, 313 Federal Street, Cigars.
- W. D. Hart, 508 Federal Street, Cigars.
- C. H. Turner, 215 Federal Street, Printers.
- F. E. Gardner, 229 Federal Street, Furniture.
- J. Borsch, 408 Federal Street, Cigars.
- J. S. Middleton, 5th and Royden Street, Flour.
- Henry Wille, 509 Market Street, Carpets.
- Henry C. Wille, 507 Market Street, Furniture.
- G. G. Potter, 404 Market Street, Boots and Shoes.
- Mary I. Logan, 4th and Market Street, Meats.
- Fithian S. Simmons, 305 Market Street, Undertaker.
- Isaac Seligman, 117 Market Street, Cigar Manufacturing
- James Barry, Jr., 513 Market Street, China.
- Thomas F. & William J. Logan, 505 Market Street, Meats.
- A. Rudolph, 4th and Market Street, Confectionery.
- Luther L. Jones, 510 Market Street, Paper House.
- George Weihman, 833 Market Street, Liquors.
- A. Schmidt, 537 Market Street, Barber.
- Emmanuel Nunes, 516 Market Street, Clothing.
- J. W. Mador, 503 Market Street, Grocer.
- E. C. Webb, 1124 Market Street, Meats.
- Anton Hubel, 832 Market Street, Tinware.
- Amassa D. Bacon, 933 Market Street, Cigars.
- Conrad Walz, 931 Market Street, Meats.
- G. D. Klein, 901 Market Street, Barber.
- N. F. Richards, 309 Market Street, Drugs.
- J. E. Frain, 533 Market Street, Notions.
- Charles E. Wenz & Bro., 821 Market Street, Grocers.
- J. H. Chew, 220 Market Street, Dry Goods.
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