Tag: Morgan Boulevard
Canterbury Circle
Canterbury Circle extends southward from Olive Street into the Canterbury Apartments complex, situated between South 8th Street and I-676, South of Morgan Street and West of Morgan Boulevard, in the Morgan Village neighborhood of Camden. This area is part of a residential community in the southern section of the city.
Fairview – Tracking History
By Thomas A. Bergbauer, Retired Courier-Post Editor The Fairview section of Camden was the mother of all planned communities. It was born at the beginning of the “war to end all wars.” In 1917, when the United States entered World War I, the New York Shipbuilding Corp. on Broadway, owned by the American International Corp.…
Morgan Street
Morgan Street is often mistaken for Morgan Boulevard, as they intersect each other. Morgan Street has also partially been renamed as Holtec Boulevard. Morgan Street stretches from Broadway, across from the former New York Shipbuilding Corporation shipyard, all the way to South 10th Street. It passes over the Pennsylvania Railroad (now Conrail) railroad tracks, South…
Morgan Boulevard
Morgan Boulevard is sometimes mistaken for Morgan Street, as they intersect each other. Initially, Morgan Boulevard ran exclusively south, starting from the intersection of Ninth and Morgan Streets, crossing Hunter and Olive Streets, and the Newton Creek, where it intersects with Yorkship Road and Tuckahoe Road. In later years, it was extended to Fairview Street,…
Dominick Persiani Rites Arranged for Saturday
Camden Courier-Post – May 21, 1953 High Mass for Dominick J. Persiani, 35, will be sung Saturday at 9 a.m. in the Sacred Heart R. C. Church. Relatives in the funeral home of Joseph A. Falco, 1020 S. 4th st., where friends may call Friday night. Burial will be in Calvary Cemetery. Mr. Persiani, a…
Babies Born in April Get B&L Stock Shares
Camden Courier-Post – June 10, 1933 The first payment on one share of stock in the Kearsarge Building and Loan Association has been offered to parents of the following children born in the Fourteenth ward during the month of April:
Robbery Gang of 4 Given Long Terms
Camden Courier-Post – October 20, 1931 Two Figured in Wounding of Cop and Slaying of Pal Four members of the notorious North Cramer Hill gang, two of them participants in the robbery in which one bandit was killed after wounding a city detective, were sentenced to state prison terms by Judge Samuel M. Shay yesterday.…