Tag: New Jersey Safe Deposit and Trust Company

  • 1890 Review of Camden, New Jersey – Part 7

    1890 Review of Camden, New Jersey – Part 7

    Chas. H. Ulbrich, Locksmith and Bell Hanger 322 Arch Street Among the best and most favorably known establishments of this character in this vicinity may be mentioned is that of Mr. Chas. H. Ulbrich. This gentleman established business about eight years ago. The premises are about 20 x 40 feet in dimensions. The store and…

  • 1890 Review of Camden, New Jersey – Part 1

    1890 Review of Camden, New Jersey – Part 1

    1890 Historical and Industrial Review of Camden, New Jersey – Intro The Historical and Industrial Review of Camden, New Jersey was commissioned and published by Camden’s Board of Trade, a forerunner of the Chamber of Commerce. NEW YORK: COMMERCIAL PUBLISHING COMPANY. 1890 The Camden City Board of Trade In recognition of the serious detriment to…

  • Bellevue Hospital – Tracking History

    Bellevue Hospital – Tracking History

    By Thomas A. Bergbauer, Retired Courier-Post Editor A few times in the past two months I have received several phone calls from readers asking if a hospital ever existed in North Camden next to the Ben Franklin Bridge and if so, what was its name. The answer of course is, yes! The name of the…

  • Stephen Parsons

    Stephen Parsons

    STEPHEN PARSONS came to Camden in 1844. He operated a hotel at Federal Street and Front Street, near the Federal Street Ferry with partner Richard Cake which was known as Woolston’s Hotel. During the time the partners operated the establishment, until 1853, the Camden Mutual Fire Insurance Company held its Director’s meetings at Parson’s Hotel.…

  • Camden Trust

    Camden Trust

    History The Camden Trust traces its origin back to July 1, 1873, when the The Camden Insurance, Safe Deposit & Trust Company, first opened for business, at 224 Federal Street. Over a period of seventy-five years, the bank merged with other local banks such as the Security Trust Company, Central Trust Company, East End Trust…

  • A history of banking in Camden, NJ

    A history of banking in Camden, NJ

    Camden Banking The Farmers and Mechanics Bank was organized with a capital of $300,000 on March 31, 1855. The banking house at the southeast corner of Front and Market Streets was built at the cost of $18,000. This institution was conducted as a State Bank until September 1, 1864 when it became a National Bank…