This page is part of the 1890 Historical and Industrial Review of Camden, New Jersey. Please also see the following pages which continue the publication:
Part 1 – Introduction
Part 2 – Businesses
Part 3 – Businesses (Cont’d)
Part 4 – Businesses (Cont’d)
Part 5 – Businesses (Cont’d)
Part 6 – Businesses (Cont’d)
Part 7 – Businesses (Cont’d)
Part 8 – Businesses (Cont’d)
Part 9 – Businesses (Cont’d)
Part 10 – Conclusion
Chas. H. Ulbrich, Locksmith and Bell Hanger
322 Arch Street
Among the best and most favorably known establishments of this character in this vicinity may be mentioned is that of Mr. Chas. H. Ulbrich. This gentleman established business about eight years ago.
The premises are about 20 x 40 feet in dimensions. The store and workroom are well filled with all the best appliances. All kinds of Locks are put in. Bell Hanging is attended to. Speaking Tubes and Electric Bells put up. Repairing is attended to in all branches of the trade. Mr. Ulbrich is the agent in this city for the sale of the Cincinnatti Safe Company’s Safes.
Mr. Ulbrich is a member of the Vest Verein, Odd Fellows, Red Men, Knights of the Golden Eagle, Shield of Honor and American Mechanics.

This gentleman purchased the business about six years ago from D. J. Patton. The store is about 20×35 feet in dimensions and fitted-up in the best manner.
A large and heavy stock of fresh Drugs, Perfumery, Soaps, Sachets and Fancy Articles. A large stock of Imported and Domestic Cigars is also kept. A handsome Soda Water Fountain is also kept running.
Among the specialties put up are Ringel’s Pectoral Syrup and Brenner’s Vermifuge, which have been in popular use as medicines for the last quarter of a century, and proven successful in all cases. Three skilled assistants are constantly employed.
Mr. Slough is a native of Pennsylvania. He is a graduate of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy.
Among the many stores that have opened lately, none give promise of more success than that of that genial and courteous gentleman, Mr. F. W. George. This gentleman was formerly employed with one of the largest and best houses in the city, and thinking that a store of this character was needed, opened his new establishment within the past two months.
The store itself, is about 20 x 30 feet in dimensions, and is fitted all newly and freshly with the best that is possible. A full line of all the newest shapes in Hats are shown, as well as full lines of Gents’ Furnishing Goods. All kinds of Hosiery, Underwear, Neckwear, Collars and Cuffs, etc., are carried in stock at all times. Two capable and well known assistants are employed.
Mr. George is a native of the city, and his admiring fellow-citizens have chosen him as a member of the School Board. He is also connected with the Odd Fellows and Red Men.
One of the most prominent houses in this line in this section is that of Mr. W. H. Chamberlain. This gentleman opened here about two years ago, and has met with the most promising success.
The store occupied is about 25 x 70 feet in area.
Here may be found a large and varied stock of Furniture — all kinds of Bedroom and Parlor Suites being made a specialty of. A Carpet Department is also a feature. All kinds of special orders are taken.
Mr. Chamberlain is a native of this city, and has always been identified with its best interests. A special feature is made of Window Shade Goods, which are kept on hand in infinite variety, and put up by Mr. Chamberlain personally, at lower prices than can be successfully competed with.
This house was established by Mr. Fuchs in 1876. His main salesroom is 34 x 60 feet in size, with a workroom in the rear 9×16 feet. Eight hands are permanently employed here, mostly engaged in the leading and delicate specialty of trimming, in which this establishment is unsurpassed.
Another important branch, namely, cleaning, dyeing, etc., receives particular attention here.
Mr. Fuchs’ large double store is conceded to be a leading house in this line in the city.
By the way, in mentioning the several departments, it would never do to forget that, in addition to the rooms already descriptively named, a capacious stockroom occupies the second floor. The stock comprises a complete assortment of Flowers, Feathers, Ribbons, Laces, Crepes, Embroideries, White Goods, Gloves, Ruchings, Lace Caps, etc.; also a full line of Woolen Knit Goods for ladies’ and children’s wear.
The proprietor has a branch house at Hagerstown, Md., where four additional hands are employed, and in which the same regular departments are carried on, and the same specialties find a profitable patronage.
Mr. Fuchs is by birth a German, and came to this country in 1851. He was formerly a fresco painter, but has found a mercantile occupation more to his taste, and in this line his artistic predilections find much gratification.
There is scarcely a more prominent business in this section of the city than that of Mr. Charles W. Scott. This gentleman is one of the pioneers of this section, having opened here fifteen years ago.
The store is about 20×30 feet in dimensions and fitted nicely.
A large and varied stock is carried, comprising Groceries, Salt Meats, Provisions, Fruits, Canned Goods, Dry Goods, Notions and Small Wares. One assistant is employed.
Mr. Scott is a native of Connecticut but has been a resident here for many years; he has held various political positions, Township Committee for four years, and a member of School Board for ten years.
There is scarcely a better known store in this section of the city than that of Mrs. Kellum. This estimable lady opened business here about seven years ago and has since managed it most successfully.
The store is about 20×20 feet in dimensions and fitted in the best manner. A large and heavy stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Hosiery, Underwear, Small Wares and Fancy Goods, is constantly carried.
Mrs. Kellum has always been a resident of the State.
One of the oldest and best known houses in this section is that of Mr. E. E. Wright. This gentleman’s father opened this store about 17 years ago and managed it until the past year, when his son, the present proprietor, took hold of it.
The store is about 20×30 feet in dimensions and is fitted in the nicest possible manner. A large and varied stock of Sugars, Teas, Coffees, Soaps, Spices, and a general line of Groceries, is carried. Salt and Fresh Meats are also sold extensively. Fresh Fruit and Provisions are always to be found here in great variety. Three capable assistants are constantly employed and one team is kept busy.
Mr. Wright is a native of Philadelphia but has been an esteemed resident of the city for many years.
It was once thought that the German was the principal patron of the “briar” and “meerschaum;” the Irish peasant of the “dudeen,” and the South American and Spaniard of the cigarette. But times have changed, and our own countrymen out-Herod Herod, and lead the world as general consumers of the narcotic weed. In its preparation, too, we are second to no other nationality.
P. J. Farley, who is conveniently located at the corner of Haddon avenue and Federal street, has been, since 1885, successfully engaged in the manufacture and sale of Cigars, wholesale and retail, and dealer in all descriptions of Smokers’ Goods, Chewing Tobacco of every approved and popular brand, and the line of Sundries that are considered legitimate adjuncts of the Tobacco trade. He makes a specialty of the Haddonfield Pike, a cigar retailed at three cents. Of this brand he has sold 180,000 in three months. He employs two assistants.
Mr. Farley is a native of this city, and prior to commencing his present business was a compounder of liquors in Philadelphia. He has occupied his present stand since 1888. He carries a heavy stock, and keeps a wagon constantly on the road supplying patrons in all portions of Camden and Gloucester counties.
The store is about 20 x 70 feet in dimensions, and fitted up in the best manner. Here may be found a large and varied stock of all kinds of Dry Goods, Notions, Hosiery, Underwear, Ribbons, and Small Wares, as well as a large and varied selection of Carpets.
Mr. Connelly is a native of Northumberland county, Pa., but has been one of Camden’s most prosperous and industrious citizens for some time.
One of the most important and substantial commercial houses in Camden, and the only one in its line, is that of William S. Scull & Co., importers, roasters and packers of Coffee, Tea Dealers and grinders of Spices, located at the corner of Front and Federal streets, with all its capacious offices, mills and storehouses. This large establishment was founded in 1857 by William S. Scull, and has been conducted by the present firm for the past fifteen years. The business is altogether wholesale. The premises occupied have a frontage of 75 feet by a depth of 126 feet. Twenty-five hands are employed in the various departments, and three teams are found necessary in the transaction of the business. The trade lies in the States of New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and Pennsylvania.
The individual members of the firm are William S. and William C. Scull, who both hold high places in the esteem and confidence of their fellow-citizens. The senior of the firm has been a member of the City Council and is a director of the W. J. and Atlantic R. R., of the Camden Safe Deposit and Trust Co, of the Camden Horse R. R., of the Seventh Nat. Bank of Philadelphia, of the South Jersey Finance Co., of the [West Jersey] Title and Trust Co., of the Camden Fire Association, and of the Camden Electric Light Co.
There are few concerns in this country that are able to turn out the beautiful work done by this one. The parent house is located in Switzerland, and is one of the largest of the kind in the world.
There are made all kinds of Embroideries, Laces, etc. The works occupy about 40 acres of ground with a large I, shaped factory that contains 145 embroidering machines.
Six hundred people are required in the building besides the numerous other employes who work in their own homes, numbering in all about 2,000. The factory in this city was started about seven years ago.
The building is 100×160, three floors being used. Twenty special machines are used, on the designs of which this firm hold the patents. The work done is the Embroidering of Ladies’ and Misses’ Dresses, the finest kind of work being done with the same facility as the coarser grades. Sixty skilled people are employed when running normally.
The trade of this concern lies all over the world. The salesrooms are located at 86 and 88 Franklin street, New York.
The individual members of the firm are Messrs. Ferd L. Loeb, Louis Loeb and Max Schoenfeld and David Schoenfeld. These gentlemen occupy the first rank as manufacturers and business men both in American and foreign circles. The Camden representative is F. A. Loeb, who has been the able and efficient director of the works here for the last three years, prior to which time he was in Switzerland, from which place he brought the bright ideas which are manifested in his executive capacity here.
This gentleman succeeded Mr. L. F. Kimble about two years ago. The shop is about 30 x 20 feet in dimension and all the best tools are used. Here may be found a very large and varied line of Light and Heavy Harness, both single and double, plain and mounted, all kinds of Saddles, Collars, Blankets, Robes, Grease, Oils, Soap, and in fact everything that comes under the head of harness. A special feature is made of repairing, which is done in the best manner.
Mr. Cook has had a life’s experience in this line and is a thoroughly practical man.
A POPULAR store of its kind among Camden citizens is that under review, originally established four years ago by the present proprietor.
A neatly fitted up salesroom 15 x 30 feet in dimensions is well equipped with a fine line of pure, fresh Drugs, Proprietary Medicines, Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Sponges, together with a fine assortment of Confectionery, Cigars, etc. The place is ornamented by a magnificent Soda Fountain and has a well fitted up Laboratory in the rear, where, under the personal supervision of the proprietor, medicines are dispensed.
Dr. Leavitt is a native of the State of New Jersey, and has resided here since his establishment in business. Dr. Leavitt is a graduate of the medical department of the University of New York, and has had a large practice in his native county, succeeding his father. He is an absolute master of his profession and is extremely popular in the community, both in business and social circles, being an esteemed member of the Order of Red Men, Mercantile Lodge Shield of Honor and Golden Eagle, as well as I. O. O. F., and a member of the city and county medical societies.
Among the many large establishments in this line may be mentioned that of Mr. Henry Schulz. This gentleman established business here some four years ago and has met with success in this venture. The shop is about 60 x 20 feet in dimensions. All kinds of wagons and carriages are built to order.
Heavy work is a specialty, as well as all kinds of repairing in the neatest and best manner and at the shortest possible notice.
Eight skillful workmen are constantly employed. One team is kept to facilitate the progress of the business.
The establishment is known as the Camden Wagon Works and noted for reliability of workmanship.
Mr. Schulz is a native of Germany and has been a resident of the city since coming to this country in 1880. Mr. Schulz is connected with the Masonic Order and has passed through all the chairs excepting one.
Among the best known houses in this section may be mentioned that of Messrs. Mills & Bro. These gentlemen succeeded their father about four years ago.
The store occupied is about 20 x 50 feet in dimensions and fitted nicely. Here may be obtained a choice selection of Fresh and Salt Meats, Fresh Fruits and Provisions. Three capable assistants are constantly employed, and one team is used to deliver orders. A wholesale business is done all over this and adjoining counties.
Ten years ago Mr. Cole started this business and he has placed the Heaters and Ranges in many of the new houses that have been erected in this neighborhood. His specialties are Heaters and ranges of all kinds. He also manufactures all varieties of Tinware, and goods on special order. He gives employment when running normally to 10 assistants that are well acquainted in this line.
His son, Mr. Charles Cole, is a practical and thorough business man. Both gentlemen are prominent members of the community and are members of the Knights of Pythias, Damon Lodge No. 1, Legion of the Red Cross.
Galvanized Iron Work, Ornamental Cornices and Corrugated Iron Work is turned out. Two places are used.
27 AND 29 S. 4th STREET
This establishment is one of the oldest and best known in the neighborhood, it having been here for nearly a quarter of a century. The business was established by the present proprietor in 1866, and has been one of the most successful in the line.
The building has a frontage on Fourth street of 24 feet and a depth of 70 feet. Here Oysters may be had cooked in any style and iu the best manner. A specialty is made of serving families, in which direction a large trade has been established. A full line of Cigars is also kept, the proprietor running factory No. 34, ist district, this State. Three assistants are constantly employed.
Mr. Garren is a native of Philadelphia but has been identified with Camden’s best interest for so long that he may almost be called a native. He is a member of Post 37, and the Union Veteran Legion Encampment No. 2, of Philadelphia.
He went out in the frigate St. Lawrence in 1861 and ended in the U. S. ship Kansas at Fort Fisher in 1865, serving as Quartermaster.
This section of Camden is blessed in having such an establishment as that of Mr. R. T. Robinson. He makes it a special feature to cater to a select trade, with the finest that the market provides, in all kinds of Fresh and Salt Meats and Provisions, Fruits, Vegetables, Canned and Bottled Goods.
His palatial store has a frontage of 25 feet and a depth of 50 feet. The proprietor employs in the successful prosecution of his business seven able associates and three teams that are kept busy delivering his orders.
He is a native of the State of New Jersey and has been identified with the commercial prosperity of the City of Camden for the past seven years, winning the respect of all who know him.
There is among the people of this State, where so much of the finest stock is raised, a general preference for meats and provisions that have been home-produced and home-prepared. Hence a preference is manifested for meats that are killed and dressed at home. A gentleman who profits much by this inclination to patronize home productions is David D. Helm, a wholesale and retail Butcher and dealer in Meats, etc., who occupies four of the finest and cleanest stalls in Federal Street Market, and sells choice cuts of Beef, Veal, Mutton and such soever of other Meats as the tastes of his patrons demand. He has been engaged in the butchering business continuously for the past twenty-three years, and at his present stand since 1878. Mr. Helm, being an active, practical man, with a full knowledge of all the details of his business, has built up his own trade by sheer force of his own energy, and his rule, to give a fair equivalent for all money invested with him has contributed largely to his great success.
He employs three assistants and runs two delivery wagons, which enables him to serve an immense retail patronage within the city and over routes extending many miles into the country districts around.
He handles only Meats slaughtered by his own force. Of the leading kinds he kills from 12 to 15 beeves, 75 to 100 sheep, and from 25 to 35 calves and lambs each week. He supplies many retailers in Camden and elsewhere — sometimes shipping important orders to places more distant, even as far away as Jersey City.
Mr. Helm was born in Philadelphia, but has spent nearly all his days in Camden, with the exception of a term of service in the army, having enlisted in 1861 as a Union soldier in the late rebellion, and there made himself an honorable record. He learned the trade of a butcher in early life from his father, whose father was also a butcher back to three generations, a trade he has always followed save in the single instance referred to.
This gentleman established business in this city nearly forty years ago and has been actively engaged in this since the inception. All kinds of Ladies’ foot gear and Gaiters are turned out. Particular attention being paid to repairing.
Mr. Owen is a native of this State. He has been a resident of Camden for nearly two score of years.
He was a police officer under ex-Mayor Charles Cox. He has been connected with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows for more than forty years and was born in Salem.
Among the many successful stores in this line may be mentioned the one of Mr. L. R. Stewart, who opened a very handsome establishment about two years agq. The store occupied is about 30 x 100 feet in dimensions and it is fitted in the most commodious manner.
Here may be found one of the most complete Grocery stocks. All grades of Teas, Coffees, Sugars, etc., are found here in great variety. Butter and Eggs are also handled, as well as all kinds of Fresh Fruits and Provisions. Four capable and well known assistants and one team are constantly kept busy.
Mr. Stewart is a native of Philadelphia but has been in Camden since 1875. He is a prominent member of the Order of Red Men.
Perhaps there is not a better or more favorably known establishment of this character in tins neighborhood than that of Mr. J. Westcott.
This gentleman originally established business in Bridgeton about thirty years ago, where he remained until three years ago, when he came here. He is a thoroughly practical man and is fully acquainted with all the many details connected with this business. All kinds of Men’s, Ladies’, Misses’ and Childrens’ Boots and Shoes are turned out. The greatest care is used in repairing. The work in hand gives constant employment to several skilled workmen.
Mr. Westcott has been a lifelong resident of New Jersey and is very well known both here and in Bridgeton.
Among the most favorably known restaurants in this section is that of Mrs. Johnson. This lady opened this establishment about a year ago.
The dining room is about 18 x 16 feet square and fitted in the best manner. It is capable of seating about fifteen people at once. Everything is home cooked and sure to be good as the proprietress keeps a sharp lookout for this branch of the business. A number of meals are sent out to the people who are employed in the neighborhood.
Mrs. Johnson has become a well known resident of the neighborhood, this being the only restaurant in that vicinity.
Among the pioneer Cigar Manufacturers of this city may be mentioned Mr. Abner Sparks. This estimable gentleman started in business way back in the forties and is still taking an active part in the management.
The store is about 35 x 40 feet in dimensions with the factory and store rooms in the rear. A very heavy stock is carried, comprising all the best brands of Imported and Domestic Cigars, Tobaccos and Smokers Articles. All kinds of Cigars are sold at wholesale as well as retail.
Mr. Sparks has been prominent in public as well as private life, having been chosen by his admiring fellow citizens as City Treasurer, member of the Board of Freeholders and the first Inspector of Cigars ever appointed by the Internal Revenue Department in New Jersey.
A USEFUL, avocation is that of the gun and locksmith, and the gentleman whose name heads this article is worthy of mention in the columns of this review.
Established here in 1885. He occupies a salesroom 20 x 36 feet in size, fitted out with all the necessary shelving etc., for the transaction of this business. His shop is in the front portion of the store where the brightest light assists him in the execution of new and repair work. All the appliances known to the trade are here enjoyed, and no means spared to foster the interest of those who favor him with any work in his line. The stock consists of firearms, revolvers, guns, ammunition, powder, shot, blank and filled cartridges, glass balls, pad and door locks, keys, springs, bells, gongs, in fact everything properly belonging to this branch of trade.
Born in Germany, Mr. Reinfried came to this country in 1829. Being a mechanic all his life, and when the dark cloud that threatened our fair name and country hung over us, Mr. Reinfried did some active service in the Arsenal at Bridesburg, in the capacity of a gunsmith, making firearms for the United States troops.
He has won the esteem of all who know him, for his upright demeanor and personal worth, and any one having anything to do in his line can find no better exponent of his trade anywhere, and will be benefited by giving him a call.
One of the representative establishments in the line of groceries and provisions, in this section of Camden, is that of the gentleman whose name heads this article. Many years ago this corner had been regarded as a grocery stand; the present proprietor succeeding to its management, Mr Bowen in 1884.
The salesroom occupied is 22 x 42 feet in dimensions, a fine, large and light apartment, having all the necessary fixtures for the prosecution of a first-class trade. The stock is extensive and embraces groceries and provisions, teas, coffees and spices, free from dust and deleterious substances, a fine line of canned and bottled goods, toilet and kitchen requisites, fresh and cured, smoked and dried meats, fine family flour, butter, cheese, eggs and country produce generally, as well as poultry and fish in season, besides, a fine line of cigars and garden seeds. To facilitate the work of the establishment a competent assistant is employed, and every means taken to foster the interests of a select and growing patronage.
A native of Monmouth, N. J., Mr. Truax enlisted in 1862 in Co. H, 14th N. J. Volunteers, and for the protection of his county’s flag and honor, served with distinction in the battles of "The Wilderness," "Cold Harbor," "Spotsylvania," "Hanover," "North Ann," and others of minor import, receiving honorable discharge in 1865.
Since establishing in his present mercantile pursuit holds the esteem of the community and is regarded in the commercial world as a responsible dealer.
E.K. FORTINER, the subject of this brief mention, was the first manufacturer of Sash and Blinds in Camden, and carried on that business here as long ago as 1845. The building now occupied by him, at 122 Federal street, was erected in 1856, and has a frontage of 20 feet by a depth of 60 feet.
He was succeeded by Daniel J. Shriner, who was in turn succeeded by Doughton & Coles, and the business which Mr. Fortiner founded is now conducted by C. B. Coles & Co.
Tools, Nails, Locks, Paints, Oils, Glass, Sash, Blinds, Doors, Shutters, Mouldings, Stair Rails, Chimney Tops, Flue Pipes; Harrison’s Ready-mixed Paints; Cucumber Pumps, with vulcanized Rubber Buckets; Garden Hose, and Builders’ Supplies generally.
The first and second floors are occupied as salesrooms, and the third and fourth floors as warerooms; and three assistants are employed, with a delivery wagon.
Mr. Fortiner was born at Haddonfield, in this county, August 12, 1820. He is an enterprising citizen —has served the city in Council, and has held, at times, the office of Street Commissioner, besides other public positions.
The excellent bread and cake bakery at No. 230 Federal Street, was established in 1858 some ways above here, and in 1863 was removed to its present location. It has always enjoyed a high degree of popular favor, derived wholly from the fine quality of its products. The business done here is of sufficient magnitude to require the services of four hands besides the proprietor, and includes bread of fine quality, together with a great variety of fancy cakes. A specialty is made of supplies for balls, weddings, picnics, etc. The capacity of the establishment is twelve barrels a week, and one delivery wagon is employed in filling the numerous orders that come from all parts of the city.
Mr. Solomon Seybold, the genial proprietor, was born in Germany, but has been in America since 1854. He has always been a baker. He was formerly in business in the West, and at one period worked for Mr. Harrison, now President Harrison, in Indiana.
The actual amount of tobacco in a form consumed in the United States is not, and probably never will be known, notwithstanding all efforts to procure correct statistics. However, at this time it is only to mention briefly a single establishment engaged in the trade, viz: The popular resort for consumers, at 310 Frederal Street, kept by G. H. Wilson, and started by him about four years ago at this stand. The dimensions of his salesroom are 14 x 14 feet; in the rear of this is a smoking and reading room, where sports do congregate — this room being 14 x 20 feet in size. He handles all the approved brands, including Cuba Clime, Mikado, and Wilson’s Special, a fine cigar manufactured for his own retail trade. A large retail patronage has resulted from the efforts of the proprietor to do an honest business by giving a fair equivalent for the money expended with him, and its present proportions require the services of himself and assistant.
Mr. Wilson was born in Philadelphia, is a painter by trade, and is engaged in that occupation during the day, but gives his personal attention to his store in the evening. Mr. Wilson is a member of the Painters’ Union, also the Shield of Honor.
Among the oldest and best known houses in this section may be mentioned that of Mr. Daniel A. Genther. This gentleman is one of the pioneers in this section, having opened business here about 15 years ago. The store occupied is about 20×20 feet, with the bakery in the basement.
All kinds of Confectionery, Pies, Plain and Fancy Cakes, Bread, etc., are constantly on hand, besides a fine line of Cigars, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco.
Mr. Genther is a native of Philadelphia, but has been an esteemed resident for the past 18 years.
Among the many attractive stalls in the Federal Street Market none presents a more inviting appearance than do the 4 stalls occupied by Isaac K. Horner, wholesale and retail dealer in all kinds of Country Produce, including Fruits and Vegetables according to their several seasons. Three assistants and two teams are required to supply the large and increasing trade, established here by Mr. Horner in 1878. The patronage of this concern is drawn chiefly from the different portions of the city, where he has an important trade among local retailers.
Isaac K. Horner was born at Gibbsboro, N. J., and in his earlier life was engaged in agricultural pursuits. In 1862 he enlisted in F Company, 12th Infantry, N. J. Volunteers. After participating in the battles of Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and all the battles in which the Army of the Potomac was engaged, 17 in all, was mustered out with his regiment.
736 Federal Street
In no occupation is neatness more desirable and essential than in those which are devoted to the preparation and general handling and care of articles of food. The utmost care is exercised in all departments of the business conducted by Walter S. Worrell, meat dealer, at No. 736 Federal Street, who handles only city-dressed meats, of which he carries exactly sufficient to supply the demands of a most desirable patronage that has been built up by fair dealing. He established himself here 6 years ago, in a salesroom 16×30 feet in size, and has had no reason to complain of any lack of patronage or friendly appreciation by his neighbors, with whom he is very popular.
Mr. Worrell was born in Pemberton, Burlington County, and has been identified with his present business for the past ten years.
The business was originally established by Jas. M. Roberts, and about five years ago the present firm purchased his interest and succeeded him. The store proper is about 25 x 50 feet in dimensions and fitted in the best possible manner. A full stock is carried of all kinds of Groceries. All the many grades of Flour, Sugar, Teas, Coffees, Spices, etc., are to be found here. Canned Goods are made a specialty of, and are always sure to be fresh, as the trade in this line is large. A full stock of both Fresh and Salt meats is also carried, in which department this house excel. Three capable assistants are given constant employment and one team is kept to deliver the many orders.
R. T. & F. B. Moore are the individual members of the firm, both highly respected and well-known business men. In its season a specialty is made of Jersey Poultry and Eggs.
There is not an establishment in the city that is better known than the store of Toone & Hollinshed. This business was originally started by a lady by the name of Treble, many years ago, the present firm buying it out and being in business about seven years. The individual members of the firm are the well-known gentlemen Isaac C. Toone and Thomas Hollinshed.
The store occupied is on the corner of Broadway and Kaighn’s avenue, and has a frontage of about 100 feet on each street. Here may be found one of the largest and most varied stocks in the States. All grades of Dress and Dry Goods, all kinds of Silks, Cashmeres, Mohairs and the many grades of Plaids, Muslins, etc. All sizes and kinds of Hosiery and Underwear are always kept in stock. A special department is made of the Carpets, in which may be found all grades of Moquette, Brussels, Tapestries, Ingrains, Rugs, Matting, etc.
Boots and Shoes are also in a special department. Hats and Caps occupy a large space, and the stock in this line is particularly fine. Clothing occupies the second floor, in which department may be found one of the largest lines of Custom and Ready Made Goods.
Full lines of Neckwear, Notions, Fancy Goods and Small Wares are constantly kept.
Twenty-five salespeople, who are ever on the lookout for the firm’s interests, are given constant employment.
Both gentlemen are well known and respected residents of the city.
Among the best known stores in this neighborhood may be mentioned that of Mr. Charles E. Guyn. This estimable gentleman opened business here about a year ago and has since conducted it in the most successful manner. The store is about 20 feet square, and fitted in the nicest manner. A full stock of Confectionery is carried. Cigars, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco is also handled.
Mr. Guyn is a native of Georgia but has spent most of his time in Philadelphia. He holds a valuable position with the Knickerbocker Ice Company, with whom he had been for over n years in Philadelphia; in addition to his business, is a member of the Red Men Tribe and Red Men League Shield of Honor.
The well-known Cigar store and factory of F. H. Powell, dealer in and manufacturer of fine Cigars, is situated at No. 114 Federal street. It was established by the present proprietor eight years ago, and is carried on by Mr. Powell and five assistants, all of whom are practical cigarmakers.
The salesroom is 14 x 22 feet in size, with a workshop on the second floor. They manufacture all the cigars they handle, and their quality has given them a fine reputation. Among the specialties made and sold here are Cuba Clime, Champion, Champion Aetna’ and other fancy brands.
Mr. Powell is a native of Cape May county, and an adept at the trade of a cigarmaker.
W.D. REEL, Hatter and Gentlemen’s Furnisher, who is handsomely located at 330 Federal street, has made for himself and his house a most enviable reputation, since he commenced business here in 1882.
His main salesroom has a frontage of 20 feet by a depth of 28 feet. The Underwear Department in the rear of this is 16×18 feet in dimensions. In both of these rooms there is a fine display of Hats in all fashionable styles and of every grade and quality, as well as Gentlemen’s, Youths’ and Boys’ Underwear, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs and the necessary cuff and collar Buttons, Studs, Pins, Brooches, etc. and a line of Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, Ties, Suspenders, Umbrellas, and many desirable novelties. Several assistants are employed.
Mr. Reel was born in Philadelphia, but has been a resident of Camden for the past twelve years. He was with the United Hat Company at one time five years, and spent three years and four months in Europe in the United States Navy. He was five years in the employ of the celebrated firm of Blaylock & Blynn, Hatters, Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Mr. Reel is a member of fourteen different secret societies, and is a Director of the Press Club.
As you arrive in the city from Philadelphia there is not a more prominent building on the river front than this one. The trade done by this concern is without doubt the largest done by any of this character in the State, extending from Trenton to Cape May.
This enterprise had its inception in 1865, in the personage of Mr. John B. Taylor, and after passing through various changes came under the entire management of the present firm about eleven years ago.
The premises are extremely large and are composed of two buildings, the offices and salesroom, about 60 x 100 feet in dimensions and five floors in height, and the shipping department, about 30 x 100 feet in dimensions and three floors in height. In every way the buildings are fitted in the most commodious manner. Every facility for the receipt and shipment of product at low figures is used. In conjunction with the main store in this city a branch store is carried on at Vineland.
A very heavy stock is carried, comprising a full and complete line of Grain, Hay, Straw, Wheat, etc. Seeds of all kinds are kept. Agricultural Machinery is one of the principal branches of the business, the firm being agents here for many of the most noted makes.
This city being the distributing point of such a great agricultural belt as the State forms makes an enormous supply house of this character necessary, where every-thing that a farmer could possibly require can be found. In all lines special care is exercised to keep them full. All new styles are constantly gotten to keep the stock full. A great run is made on Family Flour, particular care being used to keep it up to the high standard.
The members of the firm are Messrs. George E. Taylor and G. Wilbur Taylor. These gentlemen are sons of the original proprietor and have been associated with the business since its inception. Mr. G. E. Taylor is a director of the New Jersey Trust Company.
For many years they have been prominently identified with all moves made toward the city’s benefit and are very well known.
In addition to their main building this firm also controls Nos. 8 and 12 Market street and a large elevator at Cooper’s Point.

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