Tag: VFW 518
Orris W. Smith
Orris W. Smith was born in Camden on September 8, 1920, to Edward and Catherine Smith. The 1924 City Directory lists the family at 1113 Carpenter Street. By 1929, they had moved to 2827 Concord Avenue in Cramer Hill, and by April of the following year, they had relocated next door to 2825 Concord Avenue.…
V.F.W. Plans Ball on Armistice Night
Camden Courier-Post – February 11, 1938 Fox Heads Affair; Drive for Members Stressed; Contribute to Red Cross Plans are being formulated for the fourth annual military ball by the Veterans of Foreign Wars to be held Armistice night, November 11. County Commander Charles B. Frank, at the meeting of the Camden County Council of the…
VFW Post Auxiliary Stages Party for 16th Anniversary
Camden Courier-Post – February 2, 1938 Parents of Three World War Heroes Honored by Women of Mathews-Purnell Unit Mrs. Kobus Lauds Civic Work of Organization Sixteen years ago the Ladies Auxiliary of the Mathews-Purnell Post, Veterans of Foreign Wars, was instituted. Last night the "coming out party," as the occasion was described by Mrs. Mary…
Auxiliary of V.F.W. Schedules Banquet
Camden Courier-Post – February 1, 1938 Matthews-Purnell Post Group to Observe 16th Anniversary Tonight The Ladies Auxiliary of the Corporal Mathews-Purnell Post No. 518, Veterans of Foreign Wars, will observe its sixteenth anniversary tonight at 8.30 o’clock with a banquet in O’Donnell’s Restaurant and Cafe, Thirty-ninth and Federal Streets. More than 100 persons will attend.…
Vets’ Job Preference Victor Reviews Program of Contest In Address to Ex-Service Men
Camden Courier-Post – February 21, 1936 Test Case Decree Awaits Jurist’s Signature Today On Federal Employment Camden Group Endorses Action of Philadelphia Martine The Philadelphia veteran of the World War who was responsible for obtaining a court ruling safeguarding veterans rights for preference on Federal employment projects, last night told his story to Camden ex-service…
Elks to Observe Flag Day Tonight
Camden Courier-Post – June 12, 1933 Uniformed Veterans to Join Lodge Members in Colorful Ceremonies Arrangements are completed for the Flag Day celebration to be held tonight by the Camden Elks Lodge Lodge at Seventh and Cooper Streets. The program will open at 7.30 p.m. Doors of the lodge room will be opened to the…
Flag Day Service Planned By Elks
Camden Courier-Post – June 8, 1933 Elaborate Ceremonies Monday Night Will Be Open to Public An elaborate Flag Day celebration to be open to the public and broadcast over the radio is planned by Camden Elks for Monday night. Ceremonies will open at 7.30 p. m., in the lodge room, Seventh and Cooper Streets, with…
Trenton ‘Phantom’ Gains Verdict Over Local Italian for Third Straight Time
Camden Courier Post – September 19, 1928 By TOM RYAN Before one of the largest crowds that ever witnessed a boxing shot at the Convention Hall, Vincent Forgione, of Philadelphia. won the referee’s decision over Babe McCorgary, of Oklahoma, in the last-half of the double-windup of the all-star benefit, show staged last night by the…
Gorman Meets Test Against Joe Bashara
Camden Courier-Post – September 12, 1928 Hard-Hitting Middleweights Meet in Prelim to Forgione-McGorgary Bout Tuesday Successful so far in a comeback campaign launched recently, Joe Bashara, hard-hitting middleweight from Baltimore, will stack up against a tough customer in one of the preliminary bouts at the all-star show arranged by the Matthew Purnell Post 518, Veterans…