Tag: Wallace M. Dubois

  • George D. Haley

    George Denniston Haley was born on June 14, 1848, in New York City, NY. Orphaned at birth, he never knew his parents’ names — a fact confirmed in his Civil War pension records and on his death certificate, where his eldest son, George Jr., left the parental information blank. At just 14 years old, George…

  • Ionic Lodge No. 94

    Ionic Lodge No. 94

    Free and Accepted Masons The Ionic Lodge, originally known as the Corinthian Lodge, was established in 1868. It had its roots in the Camden Lodge, No. 15, which served as the “parent” lodge for Corinthian. The transformation into Ionic Lodge No. 94 occurred on February 23, 1869. Throughout its history, Ionic Lodge boasted a membership…