Tag: Wildey Hall
H. Pinsky & Son Co.
Broadway at Spruce Street, Camden, NJ Harry Pinsky came to the United States from Russia in the late 1880s. He opened up a furniture store in Camden in 1891, which his son Reuben became head of in 1906. The business was located at 1128 Broadway when the 1914 City Directory was compiled. Business was good…
Wildey Hall
Wildey Hall, at 500-506 Pine Street, was built in 1868, by the Wildey Lodge No. 91, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. It derived its name from Thomas Wildey, who formed the first Independent Order of Odd Fellows lodge in New Jersey in Camden in 1829. The Odd Fellows had been previously been connected to Morgan’s…
Hurley’s Department Store
Founded in 1890, Hurley’s Department Store was a fixture in the Camden and South Jersey retail business scene until 1956, when the Hurley family closed the business. The business, originally called Gately & Hurley, was originally located in the old Wildey Hall at 4th and Pine Streets. Founder William Leonard Hurley assumed sole ownership in…
Borstein Electric Company
The Borstein Electric Company was operated in Camden, NJ by Isadore and Meyer Borstein. The Borstein brothers were the sons of Joseph and Celia Borstein. The Borsteins had come to America from Russia in 1889, living in Kentucky for several years in the 1890s and in Louisiana early in the century, before coming to Camden…
Knights of the Golden Eagle (Excerpt)
Excerpted from George Reeser Prowell’s History of Camden County, New Jersey, 1886 The Knights of the Golden Eagle is a secret benevolent institution, founded in Baltimore, Md., February 6, 1873, and is now in successful operation in the States of Maryland, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Delaware, New Jersey, California, Ohio, New York, Iowa, Georgia, Connecticut, West Virginia,…