Excerpted from George Reeser Prowell’s History of Camden County, New Jersey, 1886
The Knights of the Golden Eagle is a secret benevolent institution, founded in Baltimore, Md., February 6, 1873, and is now in successful operation in the States of Maryland, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Delaware, New Jersey, California, Ohio, New York, Iowa, Georgia, Connecticut, West Virginia, Indiana, Michigan, Missouri, Colorado, Virginia, Illinois, Alabama and the District of Columbia. It is based upon the most liberal principles consistent with future prosperity, and has for its motto, “Fidelity, Valor and Honor,” a trinity of graces which are taught in its ritual.
The order has for its main object the promotion of the principles of true benevolence, associating its members together for purposes of mutual relief against the trials and difficulties which attach to sickness, distress and death, so far as they may be mitigated by sympathy and pecuniary assistance. It studiously avoids all sectarian and political controversy, and aims to cultivate the social, moral and intellectual feelings of its members, and to promote their welfare in all the walks of life.
The Order of the Knights of the Golden Eagle was introduced into the State of New Jersey in the summer of 1883, Camden Castle, No. 1, being instituted in August of that year with twenty-four members. During the year 1884 four new castles were instituted, at Millville, Camden, Mount Holly and Salem, respectively—the membership, at the close of the year, being five hundred and eighty-four. In 1885 the number of castles was increased to ten, with a membership of one thousand and one, and from January 1, 1886, to the present time thirteen new castles have been formed, and the membership increased to over two thousand.
The Grand Castle of New Jersey was instituted July 16, 1884, the officers at institution being: Past Grand Chief, John P. Price; Grand Chief, Joseph H. Minnett; Grand Vice-Chief, William A. Garrison ; Grand Master of Records, Daniel M. Stevens; Grand Keeper of Exchequer, P. P. Achenbach ; Grand Sir Herald, George J. Robertson ; Grand High Priest, Henry F. Bacon ; Grand First Guardsman, S. Luther Richmond ; Grand Second Guardsman, George W. Stevens.
The present officers are: Past Grand Chief, William A. Garrison, Westville; Grand Chief, Henry F. Bacon, Salem (P. O. Box 200) ; Grand Vice-Chief, Irving W. Kelly, Perry and Montgomery Streets, Trenton ; Grand Sir Herald, P. P. Achenbach, 712 Carman Street, Camden ; Grand High Priest, John S. Broughton, Trenton ; Grand Master of Records, E. D. Senseman, 580 Clinton Street, Camden ; Grand Keeper of Exchequer, F. A. Buren, Merchantville ; Grand First Guardsman, George Williams, Wrightsville; Grand Second Guardsman, William F. Perry, Quinton.
The next annual session will be held in Camden on the first Wednesday in March, 1887.
Camden Castle, No. 1, was instituted August 9, 1883, with the following officers: P. C., Joseph T. Fortiner; N. C., Charles Brown ; V. C., Joseph Rubicam ; H. P., John C. Newhouse; V. II., Watson Stevens; K. of E., Charles Aston; C. of E., Herman Rosade; M. of R., E. D. Senseman; Sir H., Joseph C. Madara; W. B., William B. Vannaman ; W. C., John J. Pierson, Jr. ; Ens., George A. Bingham; Esq., William S. Caume; 1st G., John J. Pierson, Sr. ; 2d G., Thomas T. Madara.
The present officers are : P- C., Robert F. Stockton ; N. C., Birtus A. Wagner ; V. C., Edwin F. Jones; H. P., William S. Carels; V. H., George Cook ; M. of R., Howard M. Sexton : C. of E., Herman Rosade ; K. of E., Charles Brown ; S. PI., William P. Fowler.
The lodge meets every Friday evening at Lincoln Hall, Third and Market Streets. The membership is three hundred and forty.
Washington Castle, No. 3, was instituted April 4, 1884. The officers at institution were P. C., John N. Madara; N. C., Daniel M. Stevens; V. C., H. Frank Pettit; V. H., Andrew G. Vannaman ; H. P., James H. Reeves ; K. of E., Elmer E. Cox ; C. of E., Samuel A. Barto ; M. of R., George W. Stevens; Sir H., George S. Fox; W. B., C. O. Pedrick ; W. C., James Hoagland ; Ensign, Lemuel Pike; Esq., James Hartley; 1st G., John Allen ; 2d G., W. B. Waters.
The present officers are: P. C., Joseph W. Jackson; N. C., James Spence; V. C., William B. Gibbs ; H. P., H. W. Howland ; V. H., John P. R. Carney; M. of R., George W. Stevens; C. of E., Charles Sayre ; K. of E., Elmer E. Cox ; S. H., William B. Slocum.
The lodge meets every Friday night, at Wildey Hall, Fifth and Pine Streets. The number of members is two hundred and thirty-three.
Red Cross Castle, No. 6, was instituted January 23, 1885, with the following officers: P. C. W. H. Tyler; N. C.,F. T. Steinbach ; H. P., Adam Hoffman ; V. H., Hiram Walton ; M. of R., George S. Bundick; C. of E., Isaac Buzby.
The present officers are: P. C., Frederick Fearn ; N. C., Adam Hoffman; V. C., Joseph M. Taylor; H. P., E.O. Smith; M. of R., Walter Hart; C. of E., John Neff; K. of E., Moses Gour; S. H., D. Ewan.
The lodge meets every Monday night, at Gour’s Hall, 249 Kaighn Avenue. The number of members is seventy-five.
White Cross Castle, No. 19, was instituted August 20, 1886, with the following officers: P. C., William H. Snyder; N. C., Richard Twelves; Y. C., W. D. Reel ; H. P., Morris E. Michel ; Y. H., Joseph Engard; M. of R., W. H. Wagoner ; C. of E., Richard A. Outwater Sr.; K. of E., Frank Mester; Sir H., George W. Reese; W. B., E. W. Shallcross ; W. C., Harry E. Horner; Ens., Morris Odell; Esq., C. E. Swaney ; First Guard, W. H. Strang; Second Guard, C. E. Bowker.
The lodge meets every Monday night at the northwest corner of Second and Federal Streets, Camden. The present membership is ninety.
Monarch Castle, No. 9, was instituted November 11, 1886, the officers at institution being: P. C., George L. Frazee ; N. C-, Charles E. Lane; V. C., Samuel R. Murray; H. P., N. N. Wentz; V. H., J. K. Hibbs; M. of R., Frank S. Fithian; C. of E., Abram H. Allen ; K. of E, Thomas B. Woolston ; S. H., James Rudolph ; W. B., Horace J. Parks; W. C., C. P. Baker; Ens., William H. Smith, Jr.; Esq., George Ewan; First Guard, Charles H. Savidge; Second Guard, George Ewan.
The present officers are P. C., John W. Mickle; N. C., George C. Vankirk ; V. C., Edwin S. Titus; H. P., R. M. Coffman; V. H., D. P. Steiner; M. of R., E. D. Senseman ; C. of E., Abram H. Allen; K. of E., Washington Bucknell; Sir H., William M. Callingham ; W. B., Charles Kain; AY. C., Theo. Austermuhl ; Ens., William M. Strohl; Esq., John F. Wilkins; First Guard, Jacob E. Miller ; Second Guard, William P. Riker.
Meetings are held every Wednesday night at the northwest corner of Fourth and Federal Streets. The present membership is one hundred and thirteen.
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