Camden Catholic High to Give ‘Desert Song’

Camden Courier-Post – February 20, 1936

Again choosing a Sigmund Romberg operetta for its annual musical production,the senior class of Camden Catholic High School will present The Desert Song tonight and tomorrow night in the high school lyceum, Broadway and Federal Streets.

Leading roles will be sung by Florence Sensor and Alfred Homan. Others in the cast are Catherine Regnery, Reda McKim, Maurice Keating, Walter Millet,Howard Hughes, Nicholas Berger, Robert Weir, Jerome Deegan, Margaret Engel, Dorothea Moore, Anna Czubik, Fiore de Leonardis, Leo McDonald, John Schick, James Bigley, Lillian Doering and Mary Barb.

Daniel Hogan, dramatic coach at the school, who directed the production of the “Student Prince” and other operettas given by Catholics high school senior classes, has coached this year’s operetta.