Camden Courier-Post – February 12, 1938
By Jiminy
It takes no crystal gazer to know that former U. S. Senator W. Warren Barbour hopes to get the Republican senatorial nomination without opposition… So far no opposition has bloomed, but efforts are being made to get Robert Johnson, New Brunswick manufacturer who backed Glee, into the primary battle …Unless the feeling against John Milton subsides, the Democrats will be hard put to find a suitable candidate for the job, unless they figure anybody can beat Barbour…
Put down a little bet that both new members of the county election board will be suburbanites… In fact, from adjoining municipalities…You might also safely say that when the Democrats name the new county solicitor (Vincent Gallaher), the coalition Republicans will name Cooper Brown, of Collingswood, as assistant solicitor… In spite of his visits to Jersey City, Prosecutor Samuel P. Orlando stands an excellent chance of not being reappointed. His successor, at this time, appears to be E. George Aaron, also a Democrat, but a Brunner Democrat… The Pennsauken Republican Women’s Club will on next Tuesday have a speaker whose topic will be, “How to Be Happy and Contented Though a Republican” …A lot of the boys in these here parts ought to go there and listen…
Former Mayor Victor King probably will be a candidate for City Commission in 1939…; Likewise for Morris Clyman, member of the Board of Assessors… Matt Van Istendal is being boomed as the new Republican leader of Collingswood as well as candidate for Assembly… So is Ed Marker of Haddon township (for Assembly)… Both are good candidates…
Henry Aitken, No. 1 coal wagon chaser, tried to get Commissioner Frederick Von Nieda on the bridge commission until Hoffman slipped Baird in. Has the Baird boom gone boom?…That suburban handbill publisher printed that the next time Surrogate Hanna runs for public office it’ll be city commissioner instead of a county post because he is weak in the suburbs… The last time Hanna ran, it was for State committee, and he ran ahead of his running mate in every county municipality.
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