‘Chick Hunt’s Girl’ Gone

Camden Courier-Post – January 25, 1928

Husband Dismissed When Brunette of Sixth Ward Shooting Fails To Appear in Court

Back into the notice of Camden’s Police Court, but not into its courtroom, Katherine Rosalie came today.

The attractive 23-year-old brunette “who was known as “Chick Hunt‘s girl” during the investigation of the Sixth Ward Republican Club shooting affray a fortnight ago, was to have appeared before Judge Bernard Bertman today to press charges against her husband, John Rosalie, 30 years old, of 1956 South Sixth street.

On January 10, it was made known; Mrs. Rosalie swore out a warrant charging her husband with threatening to kill her. Rosalie was arrested Monday night by Patrolman John Hollowell and the case scheduled for a hearing yesterday. Katherine didn’t appear and the case was postponed until today.

Today when the case was called Katherine was again absent from the courtroom and Judge Bertman sent Motorcycle Patrolman Heber McCord to the apartment house at 311 Cooper Street where the young woman formerly had lived. The officer returned with the information that Katherine had moved, no one at the apartment house knew where. Accordingly Judge Bertman dismissed the complaint against Rosalie.