Dzick Appointed Judge of Camden Municipal Court

Camden Courier-Post – May 16, 1950

Prosecutor Replaces DiMona; Anthony Lario Is Chosen

Benjamin J. Dzick, city prosecutor since 1942, today was named municipal judge of Camdent [sic] by Director of Public Safety George Aaron, replacing Police Court Judge John R. DiMona.

At the same time Aaron appointed Anthony M. Lario to the post of city prosecutor, with both appointments to become effective Saturday.

The new designation as municipal court judge instead of police court judge is one of the provisions set up in the reorganization of the state’s entire judiciary two years ago.

Dzick, named for a three-year term. will receive $4500 a year, $200 more than Judge DiMona’s salary of $4300 a year. As city prosecutor, Lario will receive $2800 a year, the same salary Dzick received.

Director Aaron said that while he has the authority to do so, no action will be taken at the present time on appointing a new clerk of the court, a post now held by Chris Miller, a Republican candidate for freeholder.

Dzick and Lario are Democrats, as is Aaron, while DiMona is a Republican.

DiMona, whose term expires at midnight Friday, succeeded Mitchell H. Cohen, now Camden county prosecutor, when Dr. Rhone, then director of public safety, failed to reappoint Cohen police judge three years ago.

Dzick, who is 39, is married and lives with his wife and daughter, Merle, 8, at 469 North Thirty-fifth street. He is a graduate of South Jersey Law school and has been practicing law in Camden since 1933.

Lario, 29, is a brother of Frank M. Lario, also an attorney, and lives with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Lario at 353 Pine Street. He is a graduate of Temple University school of law and has been a practicing attorney here since his admission to the bar in 1946.


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